我正在尝试从Excel工作表数组(Udaje)提供数据,以从模板填充多个word文档(因此在示例中为For)。我想同时将一些数据插入到几个内容控件(文本)中。我通过标签调用它们,我知道我必须通过添加.Item()来指定 - 但是我只更新了一个内容控件。
For i = 1 To LastRow
'.SelectContentControlsByTag("NapRozhodnuti").Item(1).Range.Text = Udaje(i, 4)
.SelectContentControlsByTag("ZeDne").Item(1).Range.Text = Udaje(i, 5)
.SelectContentControlsByTag("NapadRozkladu").Item(1).Range.Text = Udaje(i, 6)
.SelectContentControlsByTag("Ucastnik").Item(1).Range.Text = Udaje(i, 2)
.SelectContentControlsByTag("DatumRK").Item(1).Range.Text = DatumRK
.SelectContentControlsByTag("NavrhRK").Item(1).Range.Text = NavrhRK
.SelectContentControlsByTag("OblastRK").Item(1).Range.Text = OblastRK
.SelectContentControlsByTag("Tajemnik").Item(1).Range.Text = Tajemnik
.SelectContentControlsByTag("Gender").Item(1).Range.Text = Gender
.SaveAs2 Filename:= i & " - dokumenty_k_RK.docx", _
Next i
For i = 1 To LastRow
For y = 1 To CCNumber
Select Case .ContentControls(y).Tag
Case "NapRozhodnuti"
.ContentControls(y).Range.Text = Udaje(i, 4)
Case "ZeDne"
.ContentControls(y).Range.Text = Udaje(i, 5)
Case "NapadRozkladu"
.ContentControls(y).Range.Text = Udaje(i, 6)
Case "Ucastnik"
.ContentControls(y).Range.Text = Udaje(i, 2)
Case "DatumRK"
.ContentControls(y).Range.Text = DatumRK
Case "NavrhRK"
.ContentControls(y).Range.Text = NavrhRK
Case "OblastRK"
.ContentControls(y).Range.Text = OblastRK
Case "Tajemnik"
.ContentControls(y).Range.Text = Tajemnik
Case "Gender"
.ContentControls(y).Range.Text = Gender
End Select
Next y
.SaveAs2 Filename:="..." & i & " - dokumenty_k_RK.docx", _
Next i
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True
objWord.Documents.Open "\\fs1\homes\rostislav.janda\Documents\320\pozvanka_prazdna.docx"
With objWord.ActiveDocument
Set ccs = .SelectContentControlsByTag("Spznrozkladu")
LoopCCs ccs, Udaje(i, 1)
.SaveAs2 Filename:="\\fs1\homes\rostislav.janda\Documents\320\výstup\pozvanka.docx", _
FileFormat:=wdFormatDocument 'uloží s formátem .docx
.Saved = True
End With
Set objWord = Nothing
End Sub
*Sub LoopCCs(ccs As Word.ContentControls, val As String)*
Dim cc As Word.ContentControl
For Each cc In ccs
cc.Range.Text = val
Next cc
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:2)
此方法返回内容控件的数组,您不必知道,进入多少:您可以使用For Each
With doc
'Like this
Set ccs = .SelectContentControlsByTag("test")
LoopCCs ccs, Udaje(i, 4)
'Or like this
LoopCCs .SelectContentControlsByTag("ZeDne"), Udaje(i, 5)
End With
'Code is VBA and demonstrates the Word object model data types
'For VBS don't declare as types or type as Object
Sub LoopCCs(ccs as Word.ContentControls, val as String)
Dim cc as Word.ContentControl
For Each cc In ccs
cc.Range.Text = val
Next cc
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:2)
将标记内容控件链接/重新链接到正确的Cxp / Element(也是一次性)。要使用该文档,为每个标记创建内容控件,使用此例程连接它们,然后为控件创建自动文本可能更简单。
' This should be a name that belongs to you/your organisation
' It should also be unique for each different XML part structure
' you create. i.e. if you have one XML part with elements a,b,c
' and another with elements a,b,d, give them different namespace
' names.
Const sNameSpace = "hirulau"
' Specify the root element name for the part
Const sRootElementName = "ccdata"
Sub replaceAndLinkCxp()
' This deletes any existing CXP with the namespace specified
' in sOldNamespace, and creates a new CXP with the namespace
' in sNamespace. Any data in the CXP is lost.
' Then it links each Content Control with a tag name
' the same as an Element name in the part
' The old namespace (can be the same as the new one)
Const sOldNamespace = "hirulau"
Dim cc As Word.ContentControl
Dim ccs As Word.ContentControls
Dim cxp As Office.CustomXMLPart
Dim cxps As Office.CustomXMLParts
Dim i As Long
Dim s As String
' Specify the number and names of the elements and tags
' Each Element name should be unique, and a valid XML Element name
' and valid Content Control Tag Name
' (No nice way to do this in VBA - could just have a string and split it)
' NB, your CC tag names do not *have* to be the same as the XML Element
' names, but in this example we are making them that way
Dim sElementName(8) As String
sElementName(0) = "NapRozhodnuti"
sElementName(1) = "ZeDne"
sElementName(2) = "NapadRozkladu"
sElementName(3) = "Ucastnik"
sElementName(4) = "DatumRK"
sElementName(5) = "NavrhRK"
sElementName(6) = "OblastRK"
sElementName(7) = "Tajemnik"
sElementName(8) = "Gender"
' remove any existing CXPs with Namespace sOldNamespace
Set cxps = ActiveDocument.CustomXMLParts.SelectByNamespace(sOldNamespace)
For Each cxp In cxps
Set cxps = Nothing
'Debug.Print ActiveDocument.CustomXMLParts.Count
' Build the XML for the part
s = "<" & sRootElementName & " xmlns=""" & sNameSpace & """>" & vbCrLf
For i = LBound(sElementName) To UBound(sElementName)
s = s & " <" & sElementName(i) & " />" & vbCrLf
s = s & "</" & sRootElementName & ">"
'Debug.Print s
' Create the Part
Set cxp = ActiveDocument.CustomXMLParts.Add(s)
' For each element/tag name, find the ccs with the tag
' and connect them to the relevant element in the part
For i = LBound(sElementName) To UBound(sElementName)
For Each cc In ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag(sElementName(i))
' the "map:" is just a local mapping to the correct namespace.
' It doesn't have any meaning outside this method call.
cc.XMLMapping.SetMapping "/map:" & sRootElementName & "/map:" & sElementName(i) & "[1]", "xmlns:map=""" & sNameSpace & """", cxp
Set cxp = Nothing
End Sub
Sub linkTaggedCcsToCxps()
' Finds our Custom part, then relinks all controls with
' tag names that correspond to its *top level element names*
' So as long as you tag a suitable content control correctly,
' you can use this routine to make it point at the correct Cxp Element
Dim cc As Word.ContentControl
Dim cxn As Office.CustomXMLNode
Dim cxps As Office.CustomXMLParts
' Notice that we need the correct namespace name to do this
Set cxps = ActiveDocument.CustomXMLParts.SelectByNamespace(sNameSpace)
If cxps.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "Could not find the expected Custom XML Part."
' Iterate through all the *top-level* child Element nodes
For Each cxn In cxps(1).SelectNodes("/*/*")
For Each cc In ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag(cxn.BaseName)
' the "map:" is just a local mapping to the correct namespace.
' It doesn't have any meaning outside this method call.
cc.XMLMapping.SetMapping "/map:" & sRootElementName & "/map:" & cxn.BaseName & "[1]", "xmlns:map=""" & sNameSpace & """", cxps(1)
End If
Set cxps = Nothing
End Sub
Sub populateCxpData()
Dim sXpPrefix As String
' You would need to populate the following things
Dim i As Integer
Dim Udaje(1, 6) As String
Dim DatumRK As String
Dim NavrhRK As String
Dim OblastRK As String
Dim Tajemnik As String
Dim Gender As String
i = 1
' we need the namespace, but this time assume that we can use
' the first part with that namespace (and that it exists)
With ActiveDocument.CustomXMLParts.SelectByNamespace(sNameSpace)(1)
sXpPrefix = "/*/" & .NamespaceManager.LookupPrefix(sNameSpace) & ":"
.SelectSingleNode(sXpPrefix & "NapRozhodnuti[1]").Text = Udaje(i, 4)
.SelectSingleNode(sXpPrefix & "ZeDne[1]").Text = Udaje(i, 5)
.SelectSingleNode(sXpPrefix & "NapadRozkladu[1]").Text = Udaje(i, 6)
.SelectSingleNode(sXpPrefix & "Ucastnik[1]").Text = Udaje(i, 2)
.SelectSingleNode(sXpPrefix & "DatumRK[1]").Text = DatumRK
.SelectSingleNode(sXpPrefix & "NavrhRK[1]").Text = NavrhRK
.SelectSingleNode(sXpPrefix & "OblastRK[1]").Text = OblastRK
.SelectSingleNode(sXpPrefix & "Tajemnik[1]").Text = Tajemnik
.SelectSingleNode(sXpPrefix & "Gender[1]").Text = Gender
End With
End Sub