我正在尝试根据文本文档中的内容更改表格。如果doc是空的,我希望它有一个黑色文本的白色背景,但如果文档中有内容,则将背景设置为灰色,带有白色文本。它还回应了第二个td中文档中的内容。如果文档中有某些内容但是如果我将文档更改为“”它可以正常工作,但如果我使用我的文本框通过用后退空格清除它来设置此值,则它不起作用。 td仍然是灰色的,带有白色文字,甚至知道它里面没有任何东西显示。有人在这里有任何想法吗?
$tb = $_POST['spo']."\r\n";
if (isset($_POST['submit'])){
$myFile=fopen("DATA/Spo.txt","w") or exit("Can’t open file!");
fwrite($myFile, $tb);
header("Location: SeniorManagersSiteTour.php");
<h1 align="center">Site / Project / Office</h1>
<form action="SiteProjectOffice.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="FileForm" id="FileForm">
<input name="spo" type="text" size="size" maxlength="22" <?php $myFile=fopen("DATA/Spo.txt","r") or exit("Can't open file!"); echo 'value="'.fgets($myFile).'"'; fclose($myFile); ?>>
<div id="btnDiv">
<input id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="Save">
$myFile=fopen("DATA/Spo.txt","r") or exit("Can't open file!");
$Spo = fgets($myFile);
<table border="0" width="100%" >
<td width="26%" height="20px" <?php if (strlen($Spo) == 0){echo'bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style="color:black;"';}else{echo'bgcolor="999999" style="color:white;"';}?>><strong>Site / Project / Office</strong></td>
<td width="26%" height="20px" onclick="location.href='SiteProjectOffice.php'"<?php if (strlen($Spo) == 0){echo'bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style="color:black;"';}else{echo'bgcolor="999999" style="color:white;"';}?>><?php echo $Spo; ?></td>
<td width="21%" height="20px"><strong>Contract Number</strong></td>
<td width="27%" height="20px" onclick="location.href='ContractNumber.php'"><?php $myFile=fopen("DATA/Cont.txt","r") or exit("Can't open file!"); echo fgets($myFile); fclose($myFile); ?></td>
<td height="20px" ><strong>Site Manager</strong><td colspan="4" onclick="location.href='SiteManager.php'"><?php $myFile=fopen("DATA/Site.txt","r") or exit("Can't open file!"); echo fgets($myFile); fclose($myFile); ?></td>
<td height="20px"><strong>Job / Task Description</strong><td colspan="4" onclick="location.href='JobTaskDescription.php'"><?php $myFile=fopen("DATA/Job.txt","r") or exit("Can't open file!"); echo fgets($myFile); fclose($myFile); ?></td>
答案 0 :(得分:0)
继上面的评论之后,请考虑以下HTML / JS代码段:
"use strict";
function byId(id){return document.getElementById(id);}
window.addEventListener('load', onDocLoaded, false);
function onDocLoaded()
// the change event only fires when we lose focus with a different value
// than we had when gaining focus.
// the input event on the other hand, responds to each keystroke, also
// to cut/paste actions.
byId('srcElem').addEventListener('input', onInputChanged, false);
function onInputChanged(evt)
var srcElem = byId('srcElem');
// because the event handler has been attached to the element, the handler
// can now be considered a part of the element.
// This means that the 'this' keyword holds a reference to the object that
// triggered the event. In this case, the event is only attached to one
// element, so the element that generated the event is unambiguous and
// must be the <textarea>
// We can use the same handler for many different elements though.
// at that point (and this one too) it's far better and more powerful to
// use the 'this' keyword.
// i.e var curText = this.value;
// Try adding more textarea elements (each with a unique id) and attaching
// the same event to each of them. By using the above line of code instead
// of the below one, the text colour will depend on the length of text in
// the most recently typed-in box.
var curText = srcElem.value;
// will range from 0 to 350, in steps of 10
var curHue = (curText.length % 36) * 10;
var tgt = byId('tgtElem');
tgt.style.color = 'hsl(' + curHue + ',100%,50%)';
再次,这次作为副本,您可以在页面上运行。 只需点击“#34; show snippet&#34;然后点击&#34;运行Code Snipet&#34;出现的按钮。 :)
<h1 id='tgtElem'>I can change colour...</h1>
Type here to change the colour of the title (colour cycles every 36 characters)<br>
<textarea id='srcElem'></textarea>