如何链接Intern Page Object函数调用?

时间:2016-04-08 22:47:35

标签: javascript deferred intern

Intern user guide之后,我写了一个简单的页面对象:

define(function(require) {

  function ListPage(remote) {
    this.remote = remote;

  ListPage.prototype = {
    constructor: ListPage,

    doSomething: function(value) {
      return this.remote

  return ListPage;


define(function(require) {

  var registerSuite = require('intern!object');
  var ListPage = require('../support/pages/ListPage');

  registerSuite(function() {

    var listPage;

    return {
      name: 'test suite name',

      setup: function() {
        listPage = new ListPage(this.remote);

      beforeEach: function() {
        return listPage
          .doSomething('Value 1')
          .doSomething('Value 2');

      'test function': function() {
        // ...




我尝试了this question中描述的一些方法,但没有用。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


// A helper function can take config parameters and returns a function
// that will be used as a Command chain `then` callback.
function doSomething(value) {
    return function () {
        return this.parent

// ...

registerSuite(function () {
    name: 'test suite',

    'test function': function () {
        return this.remote.get('page')
            // In a Command chain, a call to the helper is the argument
            // to a `then`
            .then(doSomething('value 1'))
            .then(doSomething('value 2'));