我写了这段代码,试图让myCanvas转向myCanvas1。我尝试使用Math.atan2()方法执行此操作。但它不起作用。有任何想法吗? 请不要使用任何JQuery。
<canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas>
<canvas id="myCanvas1"></canvas>
var follower = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
var flw = follower.getContext('2d');
var runner = document.getElementById('myCanvas1');
var rnr = runner.getContext('2d');
document.addEventListener('keydown', moveShot);
//Cordinates of sPositions 1 and two
var sPosition0 = [700, 700];
var sPosition1 = [400, 400];
var xPosition0 = sPosition0[0], yPosition0 = sPosition0[1];
var xPosition1 = sPosition1[0], yPosition1 = sPosition1[1];
//This should be the arctan between sPosition0 and sPosition1
var angleRadians0 = Math.atan2(sPosition0[0] - sPosition1[0], sPosition0[1] - Position1[1]);
/*The speed of the object is 4. To get it to move diagonally towards sPosition1 I need to divide dy with the angle arctan between the two objects */
var dx = 4;
var dy = 4 / angleRadians0;
function moveShot(){
// Deleting the "old" square
flw.clearRect(0, 0, 700, 700);
//Drawing the square at its appropriate position
flw.fillRect(xPosition0, yPosition0, 100, 100);
//Adding the movement after every frame
xPosition0 += dx;
yPosition0 += dy;
setTimeout(moveShot, 20);
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
background-color: '#ff0000';
编辑: 至于究竟发生了什么,我很困惑。没有任何事情发生,我没有说,因为它是凌晨3点,我想有人会指出我做出的一些非常明显的错误,一切都会有所作为。那么,发生的事情是好的,什么都没有,我无法理解为什么。然而,再次,凌晨3点,我可能已经搞砸了,但我没看到。