- 代码中获取与matlab
$by.self self.time self.pct total.time total.pct [.data.frame 0.72 10.1 1.84 25.8 inherits 0.50 7.0 1.10 15.4 data.frame 0.48 6.7 4.86 68.3 unique.default 0.44 6.2 0.48 6.7 deparse 0.36 5.1 1.18 16.6 rbind 0.30 4.2 2.22 31.2 match 0.28 3.9 1.38 19.4 [<-.factor 0.28 3.9 0.56 7.9 levels 0.26 3.7 0.34 4.8 NextMethod 0.22 3.1 0.82 11.5 ...
$by.total total.time total.pct self.time self.pct data.frame 4.86 68.3 0.48 6.7 rbind 2.22 31.2 0.30 4.2 do.call 2.22 31.2 0.00 0.0 [ 1.98 27.8 0.16 2.2 [.data.frame 1.84 25.8 0.72 10.1 match 1.38 19.4 0.28 3.9 %in% 1.26 17.7 0.14 2.0 is.factor 1.20 16.9 0.10 1.4 deparse 1.18 16.6 0.36 5.1 ...
所以我尝试了Hadley Wickham的profr
根据Hadley的评论,我将粘贴下面的脚本代码和图表的基本图形版本。但请注意,我的问题与此特定脚本无关。这只是我最近写的一个随机脚本。 我正在寻找一种如何找到瓶颈并加快R
type word response N Classification classN Abstract ANGER bitter 1 3a 3a Abstract ANGER control 1 1a 1a Abstract ANGER father 1 3a 3a Abstract ANGER flushed 1 3a 3a Abstract ANGER fury 1 1c 1c Abstract ANGER hat 1 3a 3a Abstract ANGER help 1 3a 3a Abstract ANGER mad 13 3a 3a Abstract ANGER management 2 1a 1a ... until row 1700
Rprof("profile1.out") # A new dataset is produced with each line of x contained x$N times y <- vector('list',length(x[,1])) for (i in 1:length(x[,1])) { y[[i]] <- data.frame(rep(x[i,1],x[i,"N"]),rep(x[i,2],x[i,"N"]),rep(x[i,3],x[i,"N"]),rep(x[i,4],x[i,"N"]),rep(x[i,5],x[i,"N"]),rep(x[i,6],x[i,"N"])) } all <- do.call('rbind',y) colnames(all) <- colnames(x) # create a dataframe out of a word x class table table_all <- table(all$word,all$classN) dataf.all <- as.data.frame(table_all[,1:length(table_all[1,])]) dataf.all$words <- as.factor(rownames(dataf.all)) dataf.all$type <- "no" # get type of the word. words <- levels(dataf.all$words) for (i in 1:length(words)) { dataf.all$type[i] <- as.character(all[pmatch(words[i],all$word),"type"]) } dataf.all$type <- as.factor(dataf.all$type) dataf.all$typeN <- as.numeric(dataf.all$type) # aggregate response categories dataf.all$c1 <- apply(dataf.all[,c("1a","1b","1c","1d","1e","1f")],1,sum) dataf.all$c2 <- apply(dataf.all[,c("2a","2b","2c")],1,sum) dataf.all$c3 <- apply(dataf.all[,c("3a","3b")],1,sum) Rprof(NULL) library(profr) ggplot.profr(parse_rprof("profile1.out"))
1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b pa words type typeN c1 c2 c3 pa 3 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 ANGER Abstract 1 11 0 24 0 6 0 4 0 1 0 0 11 0 13 0 0 ANXIETY Abstract 1 11 11 13 0 2 11 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 17 0 0 ATTITUDE Abstract 1 14 4 17 0 9 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 BARREL Concrete 2 27 0 8 0 0 1 18 0 0 0 0 4 0 12 0 0 BELIEF Abstract 1 19 4 12 0
答案 0 :(得分:50)
昨天breaking news的警报读者(R 3.0.0
- 通过Rprof()进行分析现在可选地在语句级别记录信息,而不仅仅是功能级别。
# create big data frame:
n <- 1000
x <- data.frame(group = sample(letters[1:4], n, replace=TRUE), condition = sample(LETTERS[1:10], n, replace = TRUE), data = rnorm(n))
# reasonable operations:
marginal.means.1 <- aggregate(data ~ group + condition, data = x, FUN=mean)
# unreasonable operations:
marginal.means.2 <- marginal.means.1[NULL,]
row.counter <- 1
for (condition in levels(x$condition)) {
for (group in levels(x$group)) {
tmp.value <- 0
tmp.length <- 0
for (c in 1:nrow(x)) {
if ((x[c,"group"] == group) & (x[c,"condition"] == condition)) {
tmp.value <- tmp.value + x[c,"data"]
tmp.length <- tmp.length + 1
marginal.means.2[row.counter,"group"] <- group
marginal.means.2[row.counter,"condition"] <- condition
marginal.means.2[row.counter,"data"] <- tmp.value / tmp.length
row.counter <- row.counter + 1
# does it produce the same results?
all.equal(marginal.means.1, marginal.means.2)
eval(parse(..., keep.source = TRUE))
Rprof("profile1.out", line.profiling=TRUE)
eval(parse(file = "http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=KjdkSVZq", keep.source=TRUE))
summaryRprof("profile1.out", lines = "show")
self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#17 8.04 64.11 8.04 64.11
<no location> 4.38 34.93 4.38 34.93
download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#16 0.06 0.48 0.06 0.48
download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#18 0.02 0.16 0.02 0.16
download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#23 0.02 0.16 0.02 0.16
download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#6 0.02 0.16 0.02 0.16
total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#17 8.04 64.11 8.04 64.11
<no location> 4.38 34.93 4.38 34.93
download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#16 0.06 0.48 0.06 0.48
download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#18 0.02 0.16 0.02 0.16
download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#23 0.02 0.16 0.02 0.16
download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#6 0.02 0.16 0.02 0.16
self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
<no location> 4.38 34.93 4.38 34.93
download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#6 0.02 0.16 0.02 0.16
download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#16 0.06 0.48 0.06 0.48
download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#17 8.04 64.11 8.04 64.11
download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#18 0.02 0.16 0.02 0.16
download.php?i=KjdkSVZq#23 0.02 0.16 0.02 0.16
[1] 0.02
[1] 12.54
检查source code告诉我们问题行(#17)确实是for循环中的愚蠢if
- 语句。与使用矢量化代码计算相同的时间相比(第6行)。
答案 1 :(得分:11)
更新:此函数已重写以处理行号。它在github here上。
proftable <- function(file, lines=10) {
# require(plyr)
interval <- as.numeric(strsplit(readLines(file, 1), "=")[[1L]][2L])/1e+06
profdata <- read.table(file, header=FALSE, sep=" ", comment.char = "",
colClasses="character", skip=1, fill=TRUE,
filelines <- grep("#File", profdata[,1])
files <- aaply(as.matrix(profdata[filelines,]), 1, function(x) {
paste(na.omit(x), collapse = " ") })
profdata <- profdata[-filelines,]
total.time <- interval*nrow(profdata)
profdata <- as.matrix(profdata[,ncol(profdata):1])
profdata <- aaply(profdata, 1, function(x) {
stringtable <- table(apply(profdata, 1, paste, collapse=" "))
uniquerows <- strsplit(names(stringtable), " ")
uniquerows <- llply(uniquerows, function(x) replace(x, which(x=="NA"), NA))
dimnames(stringtable) <- NULL
stacktable <- ldply(uniquerows, function(x) x)
stringtable <- stringtable/sum(stringtable)*100
stacktable <- data.frame(PctTime=stringtable[], stacktable)
stacktable <- stacktable[order(stringtable, decreasing=TRUE),]
rownames(stacktable) <- NULL
stacktable <- head(stacktable, lines)
na.cols <- which(sapply(stacktable, function(x) all(is.na(x))))
stacktable <- stacktable[-na.cols]
parent.cols <- which(sapply(stacktable, function(x) length(unique(x)))==1)
parent.call <- paste0(paste(stacktable[1,parent.cols], collapse = " > ")," >")
stacktable <- stacktable[,-parent.cols]
calls <- aaply(as.matrix(stacktable[2:ncol(stacktable)]), 1, function(x) {
paste(na.omit(x), collapse= " > ")
stacktable <- data.frame(PctTime=stacktable$PctTime, Call=calls)
frac <- sum(stacktable$PctTime)
attr(stacktable, "total.time") <- total.time
attr(stacktable, "parent.call") <- parent.call
attr(stacktable, "files") <- files
attr(stacktable, "total.pct.time") <- frac
print(stacktable, row.names=FALSE, right=FALSE, digits=3)
cat(paste(files, collapse="\n"))
cat(paste("\nParent Call:", parent.call))
cat(paste("\n\nTotal Time:", total.time, "seconds\n"))
cat(paste0("Percent of run time represented: ", format(frac, digits=3)), "%")
> Rprof("profile1.out", line.profiling=TRUE)
> source("http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=KjdkSVZq")
> Rprof(NULL)
> proftable("profile1.out", lines=10)
PctTime Call
20.47 1#17 > [ > 1#17 > [.data.frame
9.73 1#17 > [ > 1#17 > [.data.frame > [ > [.factor
8.72 1#17 > [ > 1#17 > [.data.frame > [ > [.factor > NextMethod
8.39 == > Ops.factor
5.37 ==
5.03 == > Ops.factor > noNA.levels > levels
4.70 == > Ops.factor > NextMethod
4.03 1#17 > [ > 1#17 > [.data.frame > [ > [.factor > levels
4.03 1#17 > [ > 1#17 > [.data.frame > dim
3.36 1#17 > [ > 1#17 > [.data.frame > length
#File 1: http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=KjdkSVZq
Parent Call: source > withVisible > eval > eval >
Total Time: 5.96 seconds
Percent of run time represented: 73.8 %
答案 2 :(得分:3)
,它会显示调用堆栈。这应该可以让您使用this handy method。
Here are some reasons why工具在定位性能问题方面不是很好。
答案 3 :(得分:2)
另一个解决方案来自另一个问题:how to effectively use library(profr)
in R:
x <- matrix(rnorm(1000), 100)
x[x>1] <- NA
a <- profr(kNN_impute(x, k=5, q=2), interval= 0.005)
R> head(a, 10)
level g_id t_id f start end n leaf time source
9 1 1 1 kNN_impute 0.005 0.190 1 FALSE 0.185 imputation
10 2 1 1 var_tests 0.005 0.010 1 FALSE 0.005 <NA>
11 2 2 1 apply 0.010 0.190 1 FALSE 0.180 base
12 3 1 1 var.test 0.005 0.010 1 FALSE 0.005 stats
13 3 2 1 FUN 0.010 0.110 1 FALSE 0.100 <NA>
14 3 2 2 FUN 0.115 0.190 1 FALSE 0.075 <NA>
15 4 1 1 var.test.default 0.005 0.010 1 FALSE 0.005 <NA>
16 4 2 1 sapply 0.010 0.040 1 FALSE 0.030 base
17 4 3 1 dist_q.matrix 0.040 0.045 1 FALSE 0.005 imputation
18 4 4 1 sapply 0.045 0.075 1 FALSE 0.030 base
t <- tapply(a$time, paste(a$source, a$f, sep= "::"), sum)
t[order(t)] # time / function
R> round(t[order(t)] / sum(t), 4) # percentage of total time / function
base::! base::%in% base::| base::anyDuplicated
0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015
base::c base::deparse base::get base::match
0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015
base::mget base::min base::t methods::el
0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015
methods::getGeneric NA::.findMethodInTable NA::.getGeneric NA::.getGenericFromCache
0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015
NA::.getGenericFromCacheTable NA::.identC NA::.newSignature NA::.quickCoerceSelect
0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015
NA::.sigLabel NA::var.test.default NA::var_tests stats::var.test
0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015
base::paste methods::as<- NA::.findInheritedMethods NA::.getClassFromCache
0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030
NA::doTryCatch NA::tryCatchList NA::tryCatchOne base::crossprod
0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0045
base::try base::tryCatch methods::getClassDef methods::possibleExtends
0.0045 0.0045 0.0045 0.0045
methods::loadMethod methods::is imputation::dist_q.matrix methods::validObject
0.0075 0.0090 0.0120 0.0136
NA::.findNextFromTable methods::addNextMethod NA::.nextMethod base::lapply
0.0166 0.0346 0.0361 0.0392
base::sapply imputation::impute_fn_knn methods::new imputation::kNN_impute
0.0392 0.0392 0.0437 0.0557
methods::callNextMethod kernlab::as.kernelMatrix base::apply kernlab::kernelMatrix
0.0572 0.0633 0.0663 0.0753
methods::initialize NA::FUN base::standardGeneric
0.0798 0.0994 0.1325
的最长时间以及来自 R 的S4类和泛型的开销。
prof_list <- replicate(100, profr(kNN_impute(x, k=5, q=2),
interval= 0.005), simplify = FALSE)
fun_timing <- vector("list", length= 100)
for (i in 1:100) {
fun_timing[[i]] <- tapply(prof_list[[i]]$time, paste(prof_list[[i]]$source, prof_list[[i]]$f, sep= "::"), sum)
# Here is where the stochastic nature of the profiler complicates things.
# Because of randomness, each replication may have slightly different
# functions called during profiling
sapply(fun_timing, function(x) {length(names(x))})
# we can also see some clearly odd replications (at least in my attempt)
> sapply(fun_timing, sum)
[1] 2.820 5.605 2.325 2.895 3.195 2.695 2.495 2.315 2.005 2.475 4.110 2.705 2.180 2.760
[15] 3130.240 3.435 7.675 7.155 5.205 3.760 7.335 7.545 8.155 8.175 6.965 5.820 8.760 7.345
[29] 9.815 7.965 6.370 4.900 5.720 4.530 6.220 3.345 4.055 3.170 3.725 7.780 7.090 7.670
[43] 5.400 7.635 7.125 6.905 6.545 6.855 7.185 7.610 2.965 3.865 3.875 3.480 7.770 7.055
[57] 8.870 8.940 10.130 9.730 5.205 5.645 3.045 2.535 2.675 2.695 2.730 2.555 2.675 2.270
[71] 9.515 4.700 7.270 2.950 6.630 8.370 9.070 7.950 3.250 4.405 3.475 6.420 2948.265 3.470
[85] 3.320 3.640 2.855 3.315 2.560 2.355 2.300 2.685 2.855 2.540 2.480 2.570 3.345 2.145
[99] 2.620 3.650
fun_timing <- fun_timing[-c(15,83)]
fun_timing2 <- lapply(fun_timing, function(x) {
ret <- data.frame(fun= names(x), time= x)
dimnames(ret)[[1]] <- 1:nrow(ret)
# function for merging DF's in a list
merge_recursive <- function(list, ...) {
n <- length(list)
df <- data.frame(list[[1]])
for (i in 2:n) {
df <- merge(df, list[[i]], ... = ...)
# merge
fun_time <- merge_recursive(fun_timing2, by= "fun", all= FALSE)
# do some munging
fun_time2 <- data.frame(fun=fun_time[,1], avg_time=apply(fun_time[,-1], 1, mean, na.rm=T))
fun_time2$avg_pct <- fun_time2$avg_time / sum(fun_time2$avg_time)
fun_time2 <- fun_time2[order(fun_time2$avg_time, decreasing=TRUE),]
# examine results
R> head(fun_time2, 15)
fun avg_time avg_pct
4 base::standardGeneric 0.6760714 0.14745123
20 NA::FUN 0.4666327 0.10177262
12 methods::initialize 0.4488776 0.09790023
9 kernlab::kernelMatrix 0.3522449 0.07682464
8 kernlab::as.kernelMatrix 0.3215816 0.07013698
11 methods::callNextMethod 0.2986224 0.06512958
1 base::apply 0.2893367 0.06310437
7 imputation::kNN_impute 0.2433163 0.05306731
14 methods::new 0.2309184 0.05036331
10 methods::addNextMethod 0.2012245 0.04388708
3 base::sapply 0.1875000 0.04089377
2 base::lapply 0.1865306 0.04068234
6 imputation::impute_fn_knn 0.1827551 0.03985890
19 NA::.nextMethod 0.1790816 0.03905772
18 NA::.findNextFromTable 0.1003571 0.02188790
从结果来看,与单个案例一样,出现了类似但更强大的画面。也就是说, R 会产生大量开销,library(kernlab)
是在S4中实现的,因此 R 的开销是相关的,因为S4类比S3类慢得多。