
时间:2016-04-08 14:40:04

标签: scala jms hornetq

我们有一个Scala客户端连接到jboss EAP中的HornetQ JMS,拓扑设置为与两台服务器进行协作

  1. 服务器A - HornetQ live Server1和HornetQ BackupServer2
  2. 服务器B - HornetQ live Server2和HornetQ BackupServer1
  3. 当我们在java中尝试jms客户端时,当实时服务器关闭时,它会自动故障转移到备份。但scala客户端无法进行故障转移

    import javax.jms._ 
    import java.util.{Hashtable => JHashtable}
    import javax.naming._
    import java.util.Calendar
    object ConsumerSynchronous {
    var DEFAULT_QCF_NAME = "jms/RemoteConnectionFactory"
    var DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME = "queue/steveTestQueue"
    var DEFAULT_URL = "remote://ip1:port1,remote://ip2:port2"
    var DEFAULT_USER = "user"
    var DEFAULT_PASSWORD =  "password123!"
    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    // parse through command line arguments
    for (i <- 0 until args.length) {
        var s = args(i).split("=")
        if(s(0) == "URL") {
          DEFAULT_URL = s(1)
          println("Overriding URL with " + DEFAULT_URL)
        else if(s(0) == "QUEUE") {
          DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME = s(1)
          println("Overring QUEUE with " + DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME)
        else {
          println("unknown argument " + s(0));
    val properties = new JHashtable[String, String]
    properties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jboss.naming.remote.client.InitialContextFactory")
    properties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, DEFAULT_URL)
    properties.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, DEFAULT_USER)
    val ctx = new InitialContext(properties)
    println("Got InitialContext " + ctx.toString())
    val connectionFactory  = (ctx.lookup("jms/RemoteConnectionFactory")).asInstanceOf[QueueConnectionFactory]
    println("Got ConnectionFactory")
    val connection = connectionFactory.createQueueConnection
    println("Got connection")
    println("Connection started")
    val session: Session = connection.createQueueSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
    println("Got session")
    val queue  = (ctx.lookup(DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME)).asInstanceOf[Queue]
    println("Got queue")
    val consumer = session.createConsumer(queue)
    println("Got consumer")
    val listener = new MessageListener {
      def onMessage(message: Message) {
        message match {
          case text: TextMessage => {
              println("Received message: " + text.getText)          
          case _ => {
            throw new Exception("Unhandled Message Type: " + message.getClass.getSimpleName)
    println("Message Listener set")

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