我目前正在尝试修改使用 Akka Actors 实施的简单 DistBelief 框架的源代码。原始源代码位于:http://alexminnaar.com/implementing-the-distbelief-deep-neural-network-training-framework-with-akka.html。原始实现仅基于Akka Actors,但我想将其扩展到分布式模式。我认为 Akka-Cluster-Sharding 是此任务的正确选项。但我想知道在receive()方法或者extractShardId()&中正确处理传入消息的位置。在actor类中的extractEntityId()(例如对于 ParameterShard Actor ,您可以在上面给出的链接中看到完整的源代码)。 Akka的官方文档说:* extractEntityId和extractShardId是两个特定于应用程序的函数,用于从传入消息中提取实体标识符和分片标识符。
object ParameterShard {
case class ParameterRequest(dataShardId: Int, layerId: Int)
case class LatestParameters(weights: DenseMatrix[Double])
class ParamServer(shardId: Int,
numberOfShards: Int,
learningRate: Double,
initialWeight: LayerWeight) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
val shardName: String = "ParamServer"
val extractEntityId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = {
//case ps: ParameterRequest => (ps.dataShardId.toString, ps)
val extractShardId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId = {
//case ps: ParameterRequest => (ps.dataShardId % numberOfShards).toString
//weights initialize randomly
var latestParameter: LayerWeight = initialWeight
def receive = {
//A layer corresponding to this shardId in some model replica has requested the latest version of the parameters.
case ParameterRequest(shardId, layerId) => {
log.info(s"layer ${layerId} weights read by model replica ${shardId}")
context.sender() ! LatestParameters(latestParameter)
A layer corresponding to this shardId in some model replica has computed a gradient, so we must update our
parameters according to this gradient.
case Gradient(g, replicaId, layerId) => {
log.info(s"layer ${layerId} weights updated by model replica ${replicaId}")
latestParameter = latestParameter + g.t * learningRate
答案 0 :(得分:1)
class FetchActor(domain: String) extends Actor {
def receive = {
case Fetch => // do the job
object FetchActor {
case object Fetch
class FetchActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case Fetch(domain) => // do the job
object FetchActor {
case class Fetch(domain: String) // move parameter to message
val entityIdExtractor = {
case msg @ Fetch(domain) => (domain, msg) // Which message FetchActor process
val shardIdExtractor = {
case Fetch(domain) => domain // What is shard id