Powerhsell + HTMl Formatting

时间:2016-04-07 10:44:49

标签: html powershell

I need some help here. I have the below Powershell code which I use to generate a HTML Table with Database Size and Names.

Now the output is good and everything looks better.. But sinew I have got over 500 Databases my boss has to scroll a lot to read the data,

I was thinking if there is a way I can put it in a column.

Something like this

Mbx001  MBX002 MBX003 MBX004
2.1 GB  3.2 GB 4.5 GB 10.8 GB

here is the power shell code

$dbreport = Generate-ReportHeader "dbreport.png" "$l_db_header"

$cells=@("$DB Name","Database Size")
$dbreport += Generate-HTMLTable "Database Overview" $cells

$databases = get-mailboxdatabase -status | sort
$currentDate = Get-Date

foreach ($database in $databases)
    $dbname = $database.name
    $dbserver = $database.server
    $dbsize = $database.DatabaseSize
    $pf = (Get-MailboxDatabase "$database" | get-mailbox -ResultSize   Unlimited).count

    $dbreport += New-HTMLTableLine $cells

    $dbsizeges = $dbsizeges + $database.databasesize
    $gespf = $gespf + $pf

    $dbsizegb= $dbsize.Split(' ')[0]
    $dbvalues += @{$dbname=$dbsizegb}

$dbreport += End-HTMLTable

$cells=@("DatabaseCount","Database Size","Database Overall Count")
$dbreport += Generate-HTMLTable "$l_db_summary" $cells

$anzdb = $databases.count

$dbreport += New-HTMLTableLine $cells
$dbreport += End-HTMLTable

new-cylinderchart 500 400 Database Name Size $dbvalues     "$tmpdir\dbstat.png"

$dbreport += Include-HTMLInlinePictures "$tmpdir\dbstat.png"

$dbreport | set-content "$tmpdir\dbreport.html"
$dbreport | add-content "$tmpdir\report.html"

Here is the Functions File

#HTML Tables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HTML Header function New-HTMLHeader ($title) { $HTMLHeader = "


  <div align=` "center`">
    <table style=` "width: 90%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-collapse:collapse; font-family:calibri;`" border=` "0`" cellpadding=` "0`" cellspacing=` "0`">
        <td style=` "background-color: `#0072C6; color: `#ffffff; font-weight: bold; border:solid `#0072C6; border-width: 3px 3px 3px 3px; width: 100px`">
          <img src=` "cid:reportheader.png`" alt=` "picture`">
        <td style=` "background-color: `#0072C6; color: `#ffffff; font-weight: bold; border:solid `#0072C6; border-width: 3px 3px 3px 3px; font-size: 20px`">Exchange Report</td>
    <table align=` "center`" cellspacing=` "0`" style=` "width: 80%`">
      <td style=` "background-color: `#F8F8F8; color: `#585858;`">

        Exchange Report for $orgname
        <br>Exchange Reporter

    &nbsp; "#" return $HTMLHeader } # Table function Generate-HTMLTable ($headline, $cells) { $HTMLTable = "
    <h3 style=` "text-align:center; font-family:calibri; color: `#0072C6;`">$headline</h3>
    <table style=` "width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-collapse:collapse; font-family:calibri;`" border=` "0`" cellpadding=` "0`" cellspacing=` "0`">
      <tr>"#" foreach ($cell in $cells) { $HTMLTable += "
        <td style=` "background-color: `#0072C6; color: `#ffffff; font-weight: bold; border:solid `#0072C6; border-width: 3px 3px 3px 3px;`">$cell</td>" } $HTMLTable += "</tr>" return $HTMLTable } # New Table function New-HTMLTableLine ($cells) { $NewTableLine = "
      <tr>" foreach ($cell in $cells) { $NewTableLine += "
        <td style=` "background-color: `#F8F8F8; color: `#585858; border:solid `#0072C6; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;`">$cell</td>" } $NewTableLine += "</tr>" return $NewTableLine } # Table function End-HTMLTable () { $TableEnd = "</table>" return $TableEnd } # HTML End function End-HTML () { $HTMLEnd = "

" return $HTMLEnd } # HTML Inline Pictures function Include-HTMLInlinePictures ($picid) { $htmlreport = "
<table align=` "center`" cellspacing=` "0`" style=` "width: 80%`">
        " $Pics = Get-ChildItem "$picid" -name Foreach ($pic in $Pics) { $htmlreport += "
        <img src=` "cid:$pic`" alt=` "picture`">" } $htmlreport += "
" return $HTMLReport } # Report Header function Generate-ReportHeader ($Image, $Headline) { $ReportHeader = "
<br>" $ReportHeader += "
<table style=` "width: 90%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-collapse:collapse; font-family:calibri;`" border=` "0`" cellpadding=` "0`" cellspacing=` "0`">" $ReportHeader += "
    <td style=` "background-color: `#0072C6; color: `#ffffff; font-weight: bold; border:solid `#0072C6; border-width: 3px 3px 3px 3px; width: 100px`">
      <img src=` "cid:$image`" alt=` "picture`">
    <td style=` "background-color: `#0072C6; color: `#ffffff; font-weight: bold; border:solid `#0072C6; border-width: 3px 3px 3px 3px; font-size: 20px`">$headline</td>
" #" return $ReportHeader } # Report Footer function Generate-ReportFooter () { if ($language -match "DE") { $footer = " &nbsp;
<table align=` "center`" cellspacing=` "0`" style=` "width: 80%`">
    <td style=` "background-color: `#F8F8F8; color: `#585858;`">

      Exchange Reporter $reporterversion

    <td style=` "background-color: `#F8F8F8; color: `#585858;`">


        <hr>Spenden Sie etwas für die Weiterentwicklung, wenn Ihnen Exchange Reporter gefällt:

&nbsp; "#" return $footer } else { $footer = " &nbsp;
<table align=` "center`" cellspacing=` "0`" style=` "width: 80%`">
    <td style=` "background-color: `#F8F8F8; color: `#585858;`">

    <td style=` "background-color: `#F8F8F8; color: `#585858;`">



&nbsp; "#" return $footer } } 

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