我在项目中包含了angular-google-maps。我想要一张地图,用户可以点击它并添加一个新标记。我在网上找到了这个代码段:http://jsfiddle.net/sya8gn0w/1/我尝试做同样的事情: 这是声明地图的函数:
function drawMapLocation(lat, lon){
uiGmapGoogleMapApi.then(function (maps) {
$scope.mapPoi = {
center: { latitude: lat, longitude: lon },
zoom: 15,
markers: [],
events: {
click: function (map, eventName, originalEventArgs) {
console.log("click yeya");
var e = originalEventArgs[0];
var lat = e.latLng.lat(),lon = e.latLng.lng();
var marker = {
id: Date.now(),
coords: {
latitude: lat,
longitude: lon
control: {},
options: {
heading: 90,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE,
minZoom: 12,
zoomControl: true,
draggable: false,
navigationControl: true,
mapTypeControl: true,
scaleControl: true,
streetViewControl: false,
disableDoubleClickZoom: false,
keyboardShortcuts: true,
rotateControl: true,
styles: [{
featureType: "poi",
elementType: "labels",
stylers: [{
visibility: "true"
}, {
featureType: "transit",
elementType: "all",
stylers: [{
visibility: "true"
$scope.options = {scrollwheel: false};
$scope.circles = [
id: 1,
center: {
latitude: lat,
longitude: lon
radius: 500,
stroke: {
color: '#08B21F',
weight: 2,
opacity: 1
fill: {
color: '#08B21F',
opacity: 0.5
geodesic: true, // optional: defaults to false
draggable: true, // optional: defaults to false
editable: true // optional: defaults to false
<ui-gmap-google-map center='mapPoi.center' zoom='mapPoi.zoom' draggable="true" events="mapPoi.events">
<ui-gmap-marker ng-repeat="m in mapPoi.markers" coords="m.coords" idkey="m.id"></ui-gmap-marker>
当我点击地图时,会在'markers'数组中添加一个新标记,但它不在地图上,因为该行发生错误:$ scope。$ apply(); 错误是:
答案 0 :(得分:2)
由于您使用的lodash版本 4 会破坏某些angular-google-maps功能,因此很可能会发生此错误,有关详细信息请参阅this thread。
函数,因此请为lodash 4添加类似的声明:
if( typeof _.contains === 'undefined' ) {
_.contains = _.includes;
_.prototype.contains = _.includes;
if( typeof _.object === 'undefined' ) {
_.object = _.zipObject;