我是编程新手,我有一个“垄断游戏”任务。 我希望玩家在棋盘上移动,每次在广场上停下来都会从其余额中减去租金。 我得到了它,它第一次起作用,但每次我掷骰子时,平衡和位置都会恢复原状。我希望每当我掷骰子和平衡时,这些位置都会继续增加,以便在玩家停止的每个方格中减去。 这是我到目前为止的代码的一部分。
package monopoly;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Monopoly {
* @param args the command line arguments
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
int sum;
sum =0;
String name;
String token;
int balance;
balance = 1500;
Player playerA = new Player();
name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your name:");
token = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("<html>Choose your token: <br>Race car"
+ ", Wheelbarrow, Battleship, TopHat, Shoe, Dog or Iron");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"<html>Hello, "+name+"!<br> Welcome to "
+ "Monoply!<br>You chose "+token+" as your token.");
BoardSquare[] square = new BoardSquare[40]; // array of 40 monopoly squares
// call the method to load the array
int[] Rent = {0,60,0,60,200,200,100,0,100,120,0,140,150,140,160,200,180,
String[] places = {"Go","Mediterranean Ave.","Community Chest","Baltic Ave."
,"Income Tax","Reading Railroad","Oriental Ave","Chance","Vermont Ave.",
"Connecticut Ave.","Jail/Just Visiting","St. Charles Place","Electric Company",
"States Ave.","Virginia Ave.","Pennsylvania Railroad","St. James Place",
"Community Chest","Tennessee Ave.","New York Ave.","Free Parking","Kentucky Ave.",
"Chance","Indiana Ave.","Illinois Ave.","B & O Railroad","Atlantic Ave.",
"Ventnor Ave.","Water Works","Marvin Gardens","Go To Jail","Pacific Ave.",
"No. Carolina Ave.","Community Chest","Pennsylvania Ave.","Short Line Railroad",
"Chance","Park Place", "Luxury", "Tax","Boardwalk"};
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"<html>You are at "+places[0]
+ "<br>The rent is $" +Rent[0]+"<br>Your balance is $"+balance);
int n;
n =0;
int newposition;
int newbalance;
newposition = sum + n;
newbalance = balance - Rent[newposition];
Object[] options = {"Leave the Game", "Roll the dice!"};
int Answer = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, "Would like to continue playing?",""
+ "Roll the dice?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE,null,
if(Answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
else if (Answer == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {
int dice1;
int dice2;
dice1 = (int)(Math.random()*6) + 1;
dice2 = (int)(Math.random()*6) + 1;
sum = dice1 + dice2;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"<html>"+name+", your first roll "
+ "was a "+dice1+"<br>Your second roll was a "+dice2+"<br>Your total "
+ "is "+sum);
+ "<br>You are at "+places[newposition]+"<br>The rent is $"
+Rent[newposition]+"<br>Your balance is $"+newbalance);
// method to load the BoardSquare array from a data file
public static void loadArray(BoardSquare[] square) throws Exception
int i; // a loop counter
// declare temporary variables to hold BoardSquare properties read from a file
String inName;
String inType;
int inPrice;
int inRent;
String inColor;
// Create a File class object linked to the name of the file to be read
java.io.File squareFile = new java.io.File("squares.txt");
// Create a Scanner named infile to read the input stream from the file
Scanner infile = new Scanner(squareFile);
/* This loop reads data into the square array.
* Each item of data is a separate line in the file.
* There are 40 sets of data for the 40 squares.
for( i=0; i<40; i++)
// read data from the file into temporary variables
// read Strings directly; parse integers
inName = infile.nextLine();
inType = infile.nextLine();
inPrice = Integer.parseInt( infile.nextLine() );
inRent = Integer.parseInt( infile.nextLine() );
inColor = infile.nextLine();
// intialze each square with the BoardSquare constructor
square[i] = new BoardSquare(inName, inType, inPrice, inRent, inColor);
} // end for
} // endLoadArray
} //结束职业垄断 // ********* ***************************