在ASP.NET C中更新Gridview行时出错

时间:2016-04-05 15:55:56

标签: c# asp.net




private void GetDataFromDB()
        string CS = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TST"].ConnectionString;
        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(CS);
        string strSelectQry = "Select * From tblStudents";
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(strSelectQry, conn);

        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        da.Fill(ds, "Students");     // fill dataset with records from select query and name table "Students" (can name whatever you like).

        ds.Tables["Students"].PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {ds.Tables["Students"].Columns["ID"] };     

        Cache.Insert("DATASET", ds, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(24), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);  

        gvStudents.DataSource = ds;


protected void gvStudents_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
        if (Cache["DATASET"] != null)
            DataSet ds = (DataSet)Cache["DATASET"];
            DataRow dr = ds.Tables["Students"].Rows.Find(e.Keys["ID"]);   // get the row thats being edited

            dr["Name"] = e.NewValues["Name"];               // update fields in datarow
            dr["Gender"] = e.NewValues["Gender"];
            dr["TotalMarks"] = e.NewValues["TotalMarks"];

            // store the dataset back into the cache
            Cache.Insert("DATASET", ds, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(24), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);

            gvStudents.EditIndex = -1;      // take row out of edit mode
            GetDataFromCache();             // update gridview with updated dataset from cache

我在“gvStudents_RowUpdating(...)”方法中得到了对象引用错误:dr [“Name”] = e.NewValues [“Name”];

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


gvStudents.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "ID" };


var currentID = gvStudents.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value;