我可以从先前版本的ASP.NET Identity中的 AspNetUserRoles 表中检索用户的所有角色,如下所示:
ApplicationUser user = UserManager.FindByName(model.UserName);
string userId = user != null ? user.Id : null;
var roles = userId != null ? UserManager.GetRoles(userId) : null;
if (roles != null)
foreach (var item in roles)
//Assign user roles
UserManager.AddToRole(userId, item);
但是,由于角色是通过 ApplicationGroupRoles 和 ApplicationUserGroups 表分配给用户的,因此此UserManager.GetRoles(userId)方法不起作用,因为它只从中检索角色 AspNetUserRoles 表。那么,如何设法检索给定用户的角色,即先查看 ApplicationUserGroups 然后再查看 ApplicationGroupRoles 表? 或者是使用sql命令检索它们的唯一方法?任何帮助,将不胜感激。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
RoleBasedSecurity.Models.ApplicationDbContext context = new ApplicationDbContext();
ApplicationUser au = context.Users.First(u => u.UserName == "admin@admin.com");
foreach (IdentityUserRole role in au.Roles)
string name = role.RoleId;
string RoleName = context.Roles.First(r => r.Id == role.RoleId).Name;
创建角色的代码在 cofiguration.cs
中的 protected override void Seed(RoleBasedSecurity.Models.ApplicationDbContext context)中写下这些行 if (!context.Roles.Any(r => r.Name == "User"))
var store = new RoleStore<IdentityRole>(context);
var manager = new RoleManager<IdentityRole>(store);
var role = new IdentityRole { Name = "User" };
将用户附加到角色的代码在 cofiguration.cs
中的受保护覆盖void Seed(RoleBasedSecurity.Models.ApplicationDbContext上下文)中写下这些行 if (!context.Users.Any(u => u.UserName == "admin@admin.com"))
var store = new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context);
var manager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(store);
var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = "admin@admin.com", Email = "admin@admin.com" };
manager.Create(user, "password");
manager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Admin");
答案 1 :(得分:-1)
ApplicationGroupManager gm = new ApplicationGroupManager();
string roleName = RoleManager.FindById("").Name; //Returns Role Name by using Role Id
var userGroupRoles = gm.GetUserGroupRoles(""); //Returns Group Id and Role Id by User Id var
groupRoles = gm.GetGroupRoles(""); //Returns Group Roles by using Group Id
string[] groupRoleNames = groupRoles.Select(p => p.Name).ToArray(); //Assing Group Role Names to a string array
//Returns Group Id and Role Id by using User Id parameter
var userGroupRoles = groupManager.GetUserGroupRoles("");
foreach (var role in userGroupRoles)
string roleName = RoleManager.FindById(role.ApplicationRoleId).Name;
UserManager.AddToRole(user.Id, roleName);
//Sets the uıser's group id
var defaultGroup = "";
groupManager.SetUserGroups(newUser.Id, new string[] { defaultGroup });