
时间:2016-04-05 09:10:49

标签: javascript jquery twitter

我在我的网站(上使用Twitter createShareButton ,但每次“新报价”都会出现。按下按钮会创建一个新的推特按钮,给我留下多个按钮(例如,如果按下“按下”按钮10次,则会有10个共享按钮)。



// Random Quote Generator
$(document).ready(function() {
  // Set the default values for future AJAX requests
    // Prevent all future AJAX requests from being cached. 
    cache: false
  // API URL
  var quoteURL = "[orderby]=rand&filter[posts_per_page]=1";
  // getQuote function, which accepts a data parameter. 
  var getQuote = function(data) {
    // Replace the html of the targeted element with the returned content field.
    // Replace the html of the targeted element with the returned title field.
    $(".quoteTitle").html('Author: ' + data[0].title);

    twttr.ready(function() {
        // Use the pre-made createShareButton function
            // Do not share a URL
            " ",
            // Div where the share button should be inserted
                // Define the tweet that will be used
                text: "'" + $(".quoteContent").text().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"") + "'\n" +
                // Set the size of the Twitter share button
                size: "large",

  var newColor = function() {
    var color = Please.make_color();
    $("body, button, .btn").css("background-color",color);  
    $("p, blockquote").css("color",color);

  * On every page load get JSON data from the URL, defined in the
  * 'url' variable, and then run the getQuote function 
  $.getJSON(quoteURL, getQuote);

  * When the button is clicked load get JSON data from the   * URL,defined in the 'url' variable, and then run the
  * getQuote function.
  $(".regenButton").click(function() {
    $.getJSON(quoteURL, getQuote);


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您的Twitter分享按钮代码位于getQuote函数内 - 因此每次点击.regenButton时,都会调用getQuote,为您提供另一个按钮。

答案 1 :(得分:1)



var getQuote = function(data) {
  // Replace the html of the targeted element with the returned content field.
  // Replace the html of the targeted element with the returned title field.
  $(".quoteTitle").html('Author: ' + data[0].title);

  // remove previous button

  // and create a new one
  twttr.ready(function() {
      // Use the pre-made createShareButton function
          // Do not share a URL
          " ",
          // Div where the share button should be inserted
              // Define the tweet that will be used
              text: "'" + $(".quoteContent").text().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"") + "'\n" +
              // Set the size of the Twitter share button
              size: "large",

答案 2 :(得分:0)

对于遇到这篇文章的人;我正在研究这个问题,并发现了一种在不使用Twitter Widget的情况下创建Twitter Share按钮的方法。


- href will create a link to the Twitter web intent composer
- target (_blank) will open the link in a new window
<a class="tweetButton" href=" Text" 
<!-- Create a button for the link to interact with -->
   <button class="btn">


* Amend the "href" attribute of the element with a "tweetButton" class
* (the "a" tag) to take the twitterURL Global Variable, plus the parameter 
* "text=" (which specifies what the tweet will say) and assign the value of:
* - the element with a class of "quoteContent", without the HTML tags 
* (.text()), removing all line breaks (.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"")), 
* trims all the white space (.trim())
* - adds a line break (\n)
* - the element with a class of "quoteTitle", without the HTML tags
* (.text())
* Then URL encode the result (encodeURIComponent) to complete the amendment
$(".tweetButton").attr("href", twitterURL + "text=" + encodeURIComponent("'" +
    $(".quoteContent").text().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"").trim() +
    "'\n" + $(".quoteTitle").text()));