ID Name Status
1 record 1 Outstanding
2 record 2 Outstanding
3 record 3 Aging
4 record 4 Outstanding
5 record 5 Aging
6 record 6 Outstanding
Using DC = DataClassesDataContext.Create()
Dim dataTable = From Count(Outstanding), Count(Aging) In DC.MyTable _
Where item.Status = "Outstanding" OrElse item.Status = "Aging" _
Group By item.Status _
Select item
End Using
Outstanding Aging
4 2
答案 0 :(得分:3)
Dim MyTable = { _
New With {.ID = 1, .Name = "record 1", .Status = "Outstanding"},
New With {.ID = 2, .Name = "record 2", .Status = "Outstanding"},
New With {.ID = 3, .Name = "record 3", .Status = "Aging"},
New With {.ID = 4, .Name = "record 4", .Status = "Outstanding"},
New With {.ID = 5, .Name = "record 5", .Status = "Aging"},
New With {.ID = 6, .Name = "record 6", .Status = "Outstanding"}
Dim dataTable = _
From item In MyTable
Group By Key = item.Status Into Xs = Group
Select New With {.Status = Key, .Count = Xs.Count()}
答案 1 :(得分:0)
试试这个: -
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var test = new List<Sample>();
test.Add(new Sample{ID=1,Name="record 1",Status="Outstanding"});
test.Add(new Sample{ID=2,Name="record 2",Status="Outstanding"});
test.Add(new Sample{ID=3,Name="record 3",Status="Aging"});
test.Add(new Sample{ID=4,Name="record 4",Status="Outstanding"});
test.Add(new Sample{ID=5,Name="record 5",Status="Outstanding"});
test.Add(new Sample{ID=6,Name="record 6",Status="Aging"});
var result = from row in test
group row by "Count" into g
where g.FirstOrDefault() != null
select new
//Status = g.Key,
Outstanding = g.Where(C => C.Status == "Outstanding").Count(),
Aging = g.Where(C => C.Status == "Aging").Count()
Console.WriteLine("Outstanding"+" "+"Aging");
foreach(var item in result)
Console.WriteLine(" "+item.Outstanding+" "+item.Aging);
public class Sample
public int ID {get;set;}
public string Name {get;set;}
public string Status {get; set;}
结果: -
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