How to find the index of an arraylist in an arraylist?

时间:2016-04-04 18:45:27

标签: java arraylist

I have an ArrayList of ArrayLists of T, and I am trying to find the index of the ArrayList that contains a certain object

private int indexOfItem(T item)
    int index = 10000;

    for(int i = 0; i < bigList.size(); i++)
            index = i;

    return index;

this works but is there a better way to do this using the indexOf() method that arrayLists have?

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That is exactly what indexOf does with one exception: As soon as you find the item, you can stop looking:

private int indexOfItem(T item) {
  for(int i = 0; i < bigList.size(); i++) {
    if(bigList.get(i).contains(item)) {
      return i;
  return -1;