I am trying to get the method by java reflection, but i don't want to be specific about the parameters classes in getMethod().
public Object prepareFilter(String filter, String sort) {
Class filterClass = this.filterClass;
try {
Method createCriteriaMethod = filterClass.getMethod(CREATE_CRITERIA_METHOD);
Method orderByClauseMethod = filterClass.getMethod(ORDER_BY_CLAUSE_METHOD, String.class);
Class criteriaClass = createCriteriaMethod.getReturnType();
Object filterObject = filterClass.newInstance();
Object criteriaObject = createCriteriaMethod.invoke(filterObject);
for (ExtFilterRequest extFilter : ExtFilterRequest.decodeJson(filter)) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
Method criteriaConditionMethod = criteriaClass.getMethod(sb.toString(), ????); // earlier extFilter.getTransformedValue().getClass()
criteriaConditionMethod.invoke(criteriaObject, extFilter.getTransformedValue());
String orderByClause = ExtSortRequest.getOrderByString(sort);
if (orderByClause != null)
orderByClauseMethod.invoke(filterObject, orderByClause);
return filterObject;
} catch (Exception e) {
// later
return null;
I have the methods generated by MyBatis and I want to call them by reflection with the decoded json that comes from extjs client. It looks like: operator, value and property. Following code is working with string values but i dont know what to put in the place of question marks when I call for example method which get a Date value (decoded value is always a string).
Is it possible to call getMethod with some hmm.. generic type and get the specific method? Or should I do it in another way?
Summarizing - if I have method like this:
public Criteria andSomeReferenceIsEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("some_ref =", value, "someRef");
return (Criteria) this;
and this
public Criteria andPrimDateEqualTo(Date value) {
addCriterionForJDBCDate("prim_date =", value, "primDate");
return (Criteria) this;
I want to call them in the same way by method I specify earlier - even if its boolean, list of values, string or integer.