I've been asked to make some minor changes to the UI of a Rails web app that is served from Heroku. I've cloned the git rep locally, made some changes, and now I want to test the changes on my phone - without pushing them live. Do I need a local heroku install? I want to preview this on an iPhone if possible, and an Android device would be helpful as well.
I'm obviously new at Heroku and Rails, so any help is appreciated greatly.
thanks in advance
答案 0 :(得分:0)
I believe with Heroku you can use a testing server and a production server. So you could push to your testing to make sure everything is good then push to the production if everything is good.
答案 1 :(得分:0)
也许您正在寻找heroku local
。 https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-local
或者您可以rails s -b
完成更改后,您可以使用git push heroku master
答案 2 :(得分:0)
有些人指出使用function CarController($http, $scope) {
console.log(this.foo) // prints: bar
// ....
function BMWController($scope, $injector) {
this.foo = "bar";
$injector.invoke(CarController, this, { $scope: $scope });
// ....
的选项,但我还想提及使用Heroku Pipelines作为解决方案。