How do I get Animate CC to recognize drops in my drag and drop?

时间:2016-04-04 17:36:34

标签: javascript drag-and-drop easeljs animate-cc

I'm trying to build a drag and drop interaction in animate CC using a movie clip symbol. The goal is for it to animate when it's dropped in a drop area. I've seen, but haven't implemented a sprite sheet for that, but it seems like a good idea.

However, my question is more based on getting it to recognize a drop when it happens. I can't test the sprite sheet idea until I get this. I've been looking at a bunch of tutorials like this one, here, which is just editing this one to handle symbols in Animate CC or other objects. It got me a good bit of the way, but it's not working out too well on drops. I can pick up the draggable just fine, but I can't get it to get off the mouse even when I release the mouse.

dragger is the symbol in animate that I'm trying to drag (just in case that wasn't obvious).

dragger.on("pressmove", function(evt){
    evt.currentTarget.x = evt.stageX;
    evt.currentTarget.y = evt.stageY;

This part is what's giving me trouble I think:

//refuses to release. doesn't recognize it.
dragger.on("pressup", function(evt){    
    //lock position of thermometer and play stabby animation
    dragger.x = dragger.x;
    dragger.y = dragger.y;

    if(intersect(evt.currentTarget, this.targetRight)){    //Intersection testing for good
        alert("YAY you're right AND it works!");

    }else if(intersect(evt.currentTarget, this.targetWrong)){   //intersection Testing for bad
        alert("BOO its wrong, but YAY it works");

and then my code for intersect (for checking if it's over the drop area):

function intersect(obj1, obj2){ 
  var objBounds1 = obj1.getBounds().clone();
  var objBounds2 = obj2.nominalBounds.clone(); // <-----Changed this line

  var pt = obj1.globalToLocal(objBounds2.x, objBounds2.y);

  var h1 = -(objBounds1.height / 2 + objBounds2.height);
  var h2 = objBounds2.height / 2;
  var w1 = -(objBounds1.width / 2 + objBounds2.width);
  var w2 = objBounds2.width / 2;

  if(pt.x > w2 || pt.x < w1) return false;
  if(pt.y > h2 || pt.y < h1) return false;

  return true;

1 个答案:

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var objBounds2 = obj2.getBounds().clone(); // Error! 


dragger.on("pressup", function(evt){    //this function will be very custom, always
    //lock position of thermometer and play stabby animation
    dragger.x = dragger.x;
    dragger.y = dragger.y;

    if(intersect(evt.currentTarget, this.targetRight)){    //Intersection testing for good
        alert("YAY you're right AND it works!");

    }else if(intersect(evt.currentTarget, this.targetWrong)){   //intersection Testing for bad
        alert("BOO its wrong, but YAY it works");

}, this); // <-------------------- Only thing I changed


