如何在C ++运行时确定数据类型?

时间:2016-04-04 15:44:29

标签: c++ type-conversion


template<class T>
class A
    class iterator; // Defined fully

    iterator begin ()
        // Returns a pointer to the first element
    iterator end ()
        // Returns a pointer to the last element
template <class T>
class B : public A
    // It automatically inherits the iterator

template <typename InputIterator>
void foo (InputIterator first,InputIterator last)
    // Some code to infer whether it is of type A or B



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

From library type_traits you can use some type magic:
is_base_of - returns true if Base is base of Derived.
is_same - returns true if A is the same type as B.
Everything with type_traits can be found here http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/type_traits/?kw=type_traits

They are not so runtime, it's only some magic with structs and templates, C++ does not support type as data by default. If you want so you can use Boost library, it does support types as I know.

As comments under the question mentioned A::iterator is absolutely the same with B::iterator, so without looking at classes they are the same memory chunk.
So solution (maybe) is to create a little different function, what depends on classes actually:

 template <typename LeftClass, typename RightClass>
 void foo (LeftClass left, RightClass right)
     if(is_same<LeftClass, RightClass>::value)

 //Or that
     if(is_same<LeftClass, A>::value && is_same<RightClass, A>::value)

Just don't forget to make this "friend" with classes.

答案 1 :(得分:0)

