使用knownsymbol / proxy方法解码JSON数据类型

时间:2016-04-04 12:49:22

标签: haskell

我正在尝试blog post中列出的JSON解码方法。基本上,我们使用KnownSymboltypefamilies处理JSON编码和解码的数据类型。到现在为止还挺好。我试用了polymorphic containers的代码,但指定了实际的解码类型(Message String):

*Test> messageStringA
"{ \"payload\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"data\": \"cool\"} }"
*Test> decode messageStringA :: Maybe (Message String)
Just Message ( Payload string "cool" )

现在,我希望解码工作而不指定实际类型 - 所以,我添加了代码 - 而不是Message String,现在我们有Message a类型:

decode1 :: (s ~ TypeKey a, KnownSymbol s, FromJSON a) => BL.ByteString -> Maybe (Message a)
decode1 = decode

testDecode :: (s ~ TypeKey a, KnownSymbol s, FromJSON a) => Maybe (Message a)
testDecode = decode1 messageStringA


*Test> :set -XFlexibleContexts
*Test> testDecode

    No instance for (KnownSymbol (TypeKey a0))
      arising from a use of ‘it’
    In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it

我会很感激指出我在这里做错了什么。我们认为ghci无法打印,因为Show没有KnownSymbol (TypeKey a)的实例。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


这里可以利用的简单事情是满足TypeKey x ~ a的类型集是有限的。不要将其表示为类型族,而应考虑以下表示:

data TypeKeyOf (a :: *) (x :: Symbol) where 
  IntK :: Int `TypeKeyOf` "int" 
  StringK :: String `TypeKeyOf` "string" 

请注意,您可以代表一个通用的有限地图,例如: *Symbol但为了简单起见,请保持具体。


type IsTypeKey a x = (ToJSON a, FromJSON a, KnownSymbol x)

isTypeKey :: TypeKeyOf a x -> (IsTypeKey a x => r) -> r 
isTypeKey IntK k = k 
isTypeKey StringK k = k 

keyOf :: TypeKeyOf a x -> Proxy x 
keyOf _ = Proxy 

至关重要的是,您的类型类实例不应该有上下文 - 您的类型信息都是隐藏的。

instance ToJSON (TypeKeyOf a x) where 
  toJSON k = isTypeKey k (A.String . pack . symbolVal . keyOf $ k)

data SomeTypeKey = forall a x . TK (TypeKeyOf a x) 

instance FromJSON SomeTypeKey where 
    parseJSON (A.String s) 
      | s == "int" = return $ TK IntK 
      | s == "string" = return $ TK StringK 
    parseJSON _      = mzero


data Payload where
  Payload :: a `TypeKeyOf` s -> a -> Payload 

instance ToJSON Payload where
    toJSON (Payload k a) = 
      object [ "type" .= k 
             , isTypeKey k $ "data" .= a

instance FromJSON Payload where
    parseJSON (Object v) = 
      (v .: "type") >>= \(TK q) -> isTypeKey q (Payload q <$> v .: "data") 
    parseJSON _ = mzero 


如果您尝试编写show instance:

instance Show Payload where
    show (Payload k a) = isTypeKey k $ 
      "Payload " <> symbolVal (keyOf k) <> " " <> show a

你得到No instance for Show a ...。通过将所需约束添加到IsTypeKey

type IsTypeKey a x = (ToJSON a, FromJSON a, KnownSymbol x, Show a)


>decode "{\"type\": \"string\", \"data\": \"hello\"}" :: Maybe Payload
Just Payload string "hello"
>decode "{\"type\": \"int\", \"data\": 42}" :: Maybe Payload
Just Payload int 42

请注意,如果您“知道”有效负载的实际类型,您仍然可以提取 这种价值是以类型安全的方式,因为你真的知道关于类型的所有,因为你总能找到它们的确切含义。

class HasTypeKey a (x :: Symbol) | x -> a where 
  typeKey :: TypeKeyOf a x 

instance HasTypeKey Int "int" where typeKey = IntK 
instance HasTypeKey String "string" where typeKey = StringK 

typeKeyOf :: HasTypeKey a x => Proxy x -> TypeKeyOf a x 
typeKeyOf _ = typeKey 

sameKey :: TypeKeyOf a x -> TypeKeyOf a' x' -> Maybe ('(a, x) :~: '(a', x'))
sameKey IntK IntK = Just Refl 
sameKey StringK StringK = Just Refl 
sameKey _ _ = Nothing 

extractPayload :: HasTypeKey a x => Proxy x -> Payload -> Maybe a 
extractPayload t' (Payload t x) = fmap (\Refl -> x) $ sameKey t (typeKeyOf t')