
时间:2016-04-03 21:20:19

标签: arrays visual-studio loops frequency



Read the words.txt file into a string array 

Declare an array of integers to hold 26 elements, call it alphabet 

Loop through the string array 

Loop through each letter in the an element of the string array  

 If the letter is not equal to “ “ then  

 Set variable ascLetter = ASC(Letter) – 65 

Add 1 to the element in alphabet(ascLetter) 

   End if 

 End loop  
End loop  

Print out each element in the alphabet array in the form of the
letter followed by hyphen then quantity


   Dim alphabet(25) As Integer

   Private Sub btnLetter_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)Handles btnLetter.Click

    Dim words() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines("E:\words.txt")

    For i = 0 To words.Count - 1
        'Loop through the letters of the file 
        For position As Integer = 0 To words(i).Length - 1
            letter = words(i)
            ascletter = (Asc(letter) - 65)
            alphabet(ascletter) += 1
            If letter <> " " Then
                lstLetters.Items.Add(Chr(position + 65) & " " & alphabet(ascletter))
            End If

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