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* Sample Directive
define(['sampleLink', 'sampleCtrl'], function (link, controller) {
function sampleDir () {
return {
* require is used by the link option
* can be a single controller, or an array. '^myController', or ['^controller2', '^controller1']
* controllers to be used in the link section. link (scope, element, attrs, requires)
* '^myController' - use ^ to search up the parents for the controller, otherwise it only looks at it's own element and will throw an error
* */
require : '',
/* restrict what type of elements this directive is rendered on E=element <directive> or A=attribute <element data-directive> */
restrict : 'EA',
/* *
* transclude in or outer scope. true = use the outer scope that this directive belongs to. false = create a scope inside the directive
* only use true when you want to create a directive that wraps arbitrary content
* when you use false and create a scope, you will want to pass in scope, or data through attributes on the element
* */
transclude : false,
/* *
* scope = create an isolate scope for the directive pass data into the directive through attributes
* This allows us to isolate the scope and reuse these directives throughout an app.
* =attr means to bind data to that attribute
* &attr means with transclude turned on this attribute will trigger evaluation of an expression in the context of the original scope
* any expression is allowed, including a function, this is ideal for binding callback functions to directive behaviors
* use this when we want the directive to expose an API for binding behaviors
* */
scope : {
inputObject : '=inputObject',
/*'close' : '&onClose'*/
/* templateUrl = Point to the template this directive should render */
templateUrl : '/a/tpl/modules/util/input/inputs.html',
* link : use link when you want to manipulate the dom with the directive
* takes a function, inline or it can be dependency injected through requireJS
* use the following signature function lin k(scope, element, attrs) { ... }
* scope is an angular scope object
* element is the jqLite wrapped element that this directive matches
* attrs is a hash object with key-value pairs of normalized attribute names and their values
* */
link : link,
* Specify a controller, and use controllerAs to alias the scope, if you want to reference the scope or it's functions in the template.
* You must define scope in the directive for this to be used.
* Q: What's the difference between controller and link? - A: Controllers can expose an API, and link can interact with controllers using require
* Best Practice: Only use controller when you want to expose the directive controller to another directive. Otherwise use Link
* This is great for building complicated directives that are made up of other directives and need to communicate with one another.
* */
controller : controller
/*controllerAs : 'input'*/
return sampleDir;