jQuery Slider,允许<picture>元素

时间:2016-04-01 20:21:19

标签: html html5 image css3 picturefill

我正在网上搜索一个允许 int main() { string cities; string printCity = ""; string line; char command = 0; unsigned city = 0; while (getline(cin, line)) { sscanf(line.c_str(), "%c %d", &command, &city); if (command != 'c') break; cities.push_back((unsigned char)city); printCity +=(city); } gFirstCity = cities[0]; unsigned to = 0; unsigned from = 0; uint32_t cost = 0; sscanf(line.c_str(), "%c %d %d %d", &command, &to, &from, &cost); graph[to][from]=cost; graph[from][to]=cost; while (getline(cin, line)) { sscanf(line.c_str(), "%c %d %d %d", &command, &to, &from, &cost); graph[to][from]=cost; graph[from][to]=cost; } permute((char*)cities.c_str()+1, 0, cities.length()-1); cout << "Minimum cost for the tour: "; cout << printCity; cout << " is: "<< minTour << endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } 元素的jQuery滑块,但无法找到任何元素,所以我这是我在构建自己的自定义滑块之前的最后一次尝试。


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