我想在VB.net中创建一个图表,其中包含字符串形式的X和Y值。 示例如下: Sorry for the bad drawing, but this is what I'd like it to do
有人可以帮我找到设置吗? 我可以将数据传输到图表,但最终看起来像这样: This is what my current graph looks like. As you can see, I can't get the Y axis working.
这是我的代码示例:(不要担心分界级(),只是将成绩的数据格式化为A' A' B' B'等) Subjects是一个string()列表。 Grades是一个包含我需要插入的数据的数组。 ChrtSubgrade就是图表本身。
Public Sub CreateGraph(ByVal name As String, subjects() As String)
MsgBox("Generating graph for " & name)
chrtSubgrade.Series(0).ChartType = DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Column
chrtSubgrade.Series(0).YValueType = DataVisualization.Charting.ChartValueType.String
chrtSubgrade.Series(0).IsValueShownAsLabel = True
For i = 0 To subjects.Count - 2
chrtSubgrade.Series(0).Points.AddXY(subjects(i), grades(i))
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Public Sub CreateGraph(ByVal name As String, subjects() As String)
delimitgrades(subjects) 'collects the info from subjects which contains the grade data and make a new array from it containing only grades
MsgBox("Generating graph for " & name)
Dim mygraphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(hwnd:=ActiveForm.Handle) 'defines a new graphics set on the Grades window
Dim axespen As New Pen(Color.Black, 5) 'makes a pen so I can draw the axes
Dim Xaxisleft As New Point(30, 350) 'defines the left point of the X axis
Dim Xaxisright As New Point(400, 350) 'defines the right point of the X axis
Dim Yaxisbottom As New Point(30, 350) 'defines the bottom point of the Y axis
Dim yaxistop As New Point(30, 80) 'defines the top point of the Y axis
For i = 0 To 4 'for each possible grade - A* through D
Dim labelgrade As New Label 'makes a label
With labelgrade 'with said label
.BackColor = Color.Transparent 'makes its background colourless
.AutoSize = True 'resizes the bounding box
Select Case i 'examines I - the counting variable
Case Is = 0 ' if its 0
.Text = "A*" ' sets the labels text to A*
.Location = New Point(2, 100) 'moves it to the right place
Case Is = 1 'etc
.Text = "A"
.Location = New Point(2, 140)
Case Is = 2
.Text = "B"
.Location = New Point(2, 180)
Case Is = 3
.Text = "C"
.Location = New Point(2, 220)
Case Is = 4
.Text = "D"
.Location = New Point(2, 260)
End Select '/etc
End With
Controls.Add(labelgrade) 'inserts the label into the form
For i = 0 To subjects.Count - 2 'the last part of the subjects array is empty so it counts to the last position containing data
Dim labelsubject As New Label 'makes a new label
Dim labelxoffset As Integer = 30 'defines the variable xoffset which is used to determine where all labels should be placed
With labelsubject 'with this label
.BackColor = Color.Transparent 'make the background colourless
.AutoSize = True 'resize the bounding box
Select Case i 'examine i
Case Is = 0 'if this is the first label placed onto the form
.Text = subjects(i) 'take the first entry in the subjects array
.Location = New Point(30, 355) 'place the label on the X axis in the first position
Case Else 'otherwise
.Text = subjects(i) 'take the right name from the array and make the label reflect this name
.Location = New Point(labelxoffset + (i * 70), 365) 'set its location depending on which place it is in the array using xoffset
End Select
End With
Controls.Add(labelsubject) 'add the label to the form
mygraphics.DrawLine(axespen, Xaxisleft, Xaxisright) 'create
mygraphics.DrawLine(axespen, Yaxisbottom, yaxistop) 'the axes
For i = 0 To grades.Count - 1 'from 0 to the second to last entry in the grades array (this is because of how I formed the grades array. It still works.
Dim grade As String = grades(i) 'create a temp variable to store the correct entry from the grades array
Dim gradeindex As Integer = Nothing ' create the index integer, this is used to determine how high the bar should go
Dim gradepen As New Pen(Color.Green, 50) 'make the pen for the bars
Dim p1 As New Point(30, 350) 'define point 1 as above the first label
Dim p2 As New Point 'create point 2
Dim x As Integer = (58 + (70 * i)) 'create a new xoffset integer
Dim yoffset As Integer = 348 ' create the yoffset integer. This is to place the bottom point of the bar correctly
Select Case grade 'examine grade
Case Is = "A*" 'if its A*
gradeindex = 100 'the top y coord is 100
p1 = New Point(x, yoffset) 'p1 is now x, yoffset
p2 = New Point(x, gradeindex) 'p2 is now x, gradeindex
Case Is = "A" 'etc
gradeindex = 140
p1 = New Point(x, yoffset)
p2 = New Point(x, gradeindex)
Case Is = "B"
gradeindex = 180
p1 = New Point(x, yoffset)
p2 = New Point(x, gradeindex)
Case Is = "C"
gradeindex = 220
p1 = New Point(x, yoffset)
p2 = New Point(x, gradeindex)
gradepen = New Pen(Color.Orange, 50) 'make the grade pen orange
Case Is = "D"
gradeindex = 260
p1 = New Point(x, yoffset)
p2 = New Point(x, gradeindex)
gradepen = New Pen(Color.Red, 50) 'make the grade pen red
End Select '/etc
mygraphics.DrawLine(gradepen, p1, p2) 'draw the line from p1 to p2
End Sub
以下是具有以下数据的人的输出:德语; A *,数学; A,法语; A *,生物; C,公共汽车(例如商业); B