在请求帮助之前,我已经检查了几个问题: -Script正确检测代码(我甚至可以使用脚本编辑文本以确保)。 - 表格单元格有足够的空间来插入图像(我也试图为行提供更高的高度)。 - 我试图调整图像大小,使图像变小。 - 如果我在最后一行之后添加一个空行,脚本会正确添加图像...所以这真的是最后一行问题......
app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = currentREF;
var myFoundItems = app.activeDocument.findText();
for ( var bh = 0; bh < myFoundItems.length; bh++ ) {
myLastIns = myFoundItems[bh].insertionPoints.length;
myInsPointOk = myFoundItems[bh].insertionPoints[myLastIns - 1];
if ( bh == 0 ) {
myTf = myInsPointOk.parentTextFrames[0];
try {
//Insert/place the logo
var myImgPath = logoImage;
var myBlockImg = myInsPointOk.rectangles.add( {strokeWeight: 0, strokeColor: "None", fillColor: "None", geometricBounds: [ 0, 0, 1, 1 ]} );
myBlockImg.contentType = ContentType.graphicType;
myBlockImg.anchoredObjectSettings.anchoredPosition = AnchorPosition.INLINE_POSITION;
myBlockImg.anchoredObjectSettings.anchorXoffset = 0;
myBlockImg.anchoredObjectSettings.anchorYoffset = 0;
myBlockImg.place( File( myImgPath ) );
myBlockImg.fit( FitOptions.FRAME_TO_CONTENT );
} catch ( e ) {
//Warning, the code has been find but the script didn't success to insert it
$.writeln( "La référence " + normalFormatRef + " à été trouvée dans le fichier " + app.activeDocument.name + " mais le script n'à pas réussit à insérer le picto." );
arrError.push( "La référence " + normalFormatRef + " à été trouvée dans le fichier " + app.activeDocument.name + " mais le script n'à pas réussit à insérer le picto." );
我猜是脚本没有在最后一行的表格中找到插入点...但为什么呢? 或许我猜错了......
var myBlockImg = myInsPointOk.rectangles.add( {strokeWeight: 0, strokeColor: "None", fillColor: "None", geometricBounds: [ 0, 0, 1, 1 ]} );
答案 0 :(得分:1)
首先,谢谢你的回答! 然后我终于找到了解决方案,我发布在下面:
if ( myFoundItems[bh].parent.constructor.name == "Cell" ) {
//Only for text include in cells, temporary increase the height of the parent's row
var previousRowHeight = myFoundItems[bh].parent.minimumHeight;
myFoundItems[bh].parent.minimumHeight = "15mm";
myFoundItems[bh].parent.parent.parent.fit( FitOptions.FRAME_TO_CONTENT );
var myBlockImg = myFoundItems[bh].parent.insertionPoints[-1].rectangles.add( {strokeWeight: 0, strokeColor: "None", fillColor: "None", geometricBounds: [ 0, 0, 0.1, 0.1 ]} );
myBlockImg.contentType = ContentType.graphicType;
myBlockImg.anchoredObjectSettings.anchoredPosition = AnchorPosition.INLINE_POSITION;
myBlockImg.anchoredObjectSettings.anchorXoffset = 0;
myBlockImg.anchoredObjectSettings.anchorYoffset = 0;
myBlockImg.place( File( myImgPath ) );
myBlockImg.fit( FitOptions.FRAME_TO_CONTENT );
if ( myFoundItems[bh].parent.constructor.name == "Cell" ) {
//Only for text include in cells, reset the height of the parent's row
myFoundItems[bh].parent.minimumHeight = previousRowHeight;
myFoundItems[bh].parent.parent.parent.fit( FitOptions.FRAME_TO_CONTENT );
答案 1 :(得分:0)
var main = function(){
var doc, fgp, cgp, found = [], n = 0, text, parent, rect, os,
osProps = {
picto = File ( Folder.desktop+"/picto.ai"),
uip = app.scriptPreferences.properties;
if ( !app.properties.activeDocument) return;
if ( !picto.exists ) {
alert("The picto file could't be found!" );
doc = app.activeDocument;
fgp = app.findGrepPreferences.properties;
cgp = app.changeGrepPreferences.properties;
app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "(\\d{2}\\.){4}\\d{2}";
found = doc.findGrep();
n = found.length;
if ( !n ) return;
app.scriptPreferences.enableRedraw = false;
app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.NEVER_INTERACT;
os = doc.objectStyles.item ("picto");
!os.isValid && os = doc.objectStyles.add(osProps);
while ( n-- ) {
text = found[n];
parent = text.parent;
if ( parent instanceof Cell
&& parent.parentRow.cells[-1]==parent ) {
rect = text.insertionPoints[-1].rectangles.add({geometricBounds: [ 0, 0, 1, 1 ]});
rect.appliedObjectStyle = os;
rect.place ( picto );
app.findGrepPreferences.properties = fgp;
app.changeGrepPreferences.properties = cgp;
app.scriptPreferences.properties = uip;
var u;
app.doScript ( main, u, u, UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT, "Add picto" );
我也选择Grep over text进行文本搜索,因为它可以避免循环参考。但是,如果引用具有可变模式,那么它可能不是一个很好的匹配。