
时间:2016-04-01 13:01:33

标签: sparql




select distinct (?x as ?likedItem) (?item as ?suggestedItem) ?similarity ?becauseOf  ((?similarity * ?importance * ?levelImportance) as ?finalSimilarity)

  values ?user {bo:ania}
  #the variable ?x is bound to the items the user :ania has liked.
  ?user rs:hasRated ?ratings.
  ?ratings a rs:Likes.
  ?ratings rs:aboutItem ?x.
  ?ratings rs:ratesBy   ?ratingValue.
  #level 0 class similarities
    #extract all the items that are from the same class (type) as the liked items.
    #I assumed the being from the same class accounts for 50% of the similarities.
    #This value can be changed according to the test or the application domain.
    values ?classImportance {0.5} #class level
    bind (?classImportance as ?importance)
    bind( 4/7 as ?levelImportance)
  ?x  a ?class.
  ?class rdfs:subClassOf ?mainClass .
  ?mainClass rdfs:subClassOf rs:RecommendableClass .
  ?mainClass rs:hasSimilarityConfiguration ?similarityConfiguration .
  ?similarityConfiguration rs:hasClassSimilarity ?classSimilarity .
  ?classSimilarity rs:appliedOnClass ?class .
  ?classSimilarity rs:hasClassSimilarityValue ?similarity .
  ?item a ?class.
  bind (concat("it shares the same class, which is ", strafter(str(?class), "#"), ", with ", strafter(str(?x), "#")) as ?becauseOf)
   #level 0 instance similarities
  #extract the items that share the same value for important predicates with the already liked items..
  #I assumed that having the same instance for important predicates account for 100% of the similarities.
  #This value can be changed according to the test or the application domain.
   values ?instanceImportance {1} #instance level
   bind (?instanceImportance as ?importance)
   bind( 4/7 as ?levelImportance)
   ?x  a ?class.
  ?class rdfs:subClassOf ?mainClass .
  ?mainClass rdfs:subClassOf rs:RecommendableClass .
  ?mainClass rs:hasSimilarityConfiguration ?similarityConfiguration .
  ?similarityConfiguration rs:hasPropertySimilarity ?propertySimilarity .
  ?propertySimilarity rs:appliedOnProperty ?property .
  ?propertySimilarity rs:hasPropertySimilarityValue ?similarity .
  ?x ?property ?value .
  ?item ?property ?value .
    bind (concat("it shares ", strafter(str(?value), "#"), " for predicate ", strafter(str(?property), "#"), " with ", strafter(str(?x), "#")) as ?becauseOf)
  filter (?x != ?item)

这是结果: enter image description here

如您所见,结果包含相同suggestedItem 的多个值,我想根据suggestedItem创建组并将finalSimilarity



select   ?item (SUM(?similarity * ?importance * ?levelImportance ) as ?finalSimilarity)  (group_concat(distinct ?x) as ?likedItem) (group_concat(?becauseOf ; separator = " ,and ") as ?reason) where
  values ?user {bo:ania}
  #the variable ?x is bound to the items the user :ania has liked.
  ?user rs:hasRated ?ratings.
  ?ratings a rs:Likes.
  ?ratings rs:aboutItem ?x.
  ?ratings rs:ratesBy   ?ratingValue.
  #level 0 class similarities
    #extract all the items that are from the same class (type) as the liked items.
    #I assumed the being from the same class accounts for 50% of the similarities.
    #This value can be changed according to the test or the application domain.
    values ?classImportance {0.5} #class level
    bind (?classImportance as ?importance)
    bind( 4/7 as ?levelImportance)
  ?x  a ?class.
  ?class rdfs:subClassOf ?mainClass .
  ?mainClass rdfs:subClassOf rs:RecommendableClass .
  ?mainClass rs:hasSimilarityConfiguration ?similarityConfiguration .
  ?similarityConfiguration rs:hasClassSimilarity ?classSimilarity .
  ?classSimilarity rs:appliedOnClass ?class .
  ?classSimilarity rs:hasClassSimilarityValue ?similarity .
  ?item a ?class.
  bind (concat("it shares the same class, which is ", strafter(str(?class), "#"), ", with ", strafter(str(?x), "#")) as ?becauseOf)
   #level 0 instance similarities
  #extract the items that share the same value for important predicates with the already liked items..
  #I assumed that having the same instance for important predicates account for 100% of the similarities.
  #This value can be changed according to the test or the application domain.
   values ?instanceImportance {1} #instance level
   bind (?instanceImportance as ?importance)
   bind( 4/7 as ?levelImportance)
   ?x  a ?class.
  ?class rdfs:subClassOf ?mainClass .
  ?mainClass rdfs:subClassOf rs:RecommendableClass .
  ?mainClass rs:hasSimilarityConfiguration ?similarityConfiguration .
  ?similarityConfiguration rs:hasPropertySimilarity ?propertySimilarity .
  ?propertySimilarity rs:appliedOnProperty ?property .
  ?propertySimilarity rs:hasPropertySimilarityValue ?similarity .
  ?x ?property ?value .
  ?item ?property ?value .
    bind (concat("it shares ", strafter(str(?value), "#"), " for predicate ", strafter(str(?property), "#"), " with ", strafter(str(?x), "#")) as ?becauseOf)
  filter (?x != ?item)
group by ?item
order by desc(?finalSimilarity)


enter image description here






PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rs: <>
PREFIX bo: <>

select ?suggestedItem ( SUM (?finalSimilarity) as ?summedFinalSimilarity)  (group_concat(distinct strafter(str(?likedItem), "#")) as ?becauseYouHaveLikedThisItem) (group_concat(?becauseOf ; separator = " ,and ") as ?reason)
where {
select distinct (?x as ?likedItem) (?item as ?suggestedItem) ?similarity ?becauseOf  ((?similarity * ?importance * ?levelImportance) as ?finalSimilarity)
  values ?user {bo:ania}
  #the variable ?x is bound to the items the user :ania has liked.
  ?user rs:hasRated ?ratings.
  ?ratings a rs:Likes.
  ?ratings rs:aboutItem ?x.
  ?ratings rs:ratesBy   ?ratingValue.
  #level 0 class similarities
    #extract all the items that are from the same class (type) as the liked items.
    #I assumed the being from the same class accounts for 50% of the similarities.
    #This value can be changed according to the test or the application domain.
    values ?classImportance {0.5} #class level
    bind (?classImportance as ?importance)
    bind( 4/7 as ?levelImportance)
  ?x  a ?class.
  ?class rdfs:subClassOf ?mainClass .
  ?mainClass rdfs:subClassOf rs:RecommendableClass .
  ?mainClass rs:hasSimilarityConfiguration ?similarityConfiguration .
  ?similarityConfiguration rs:hasClassSimilarity ?classSimilarity .
  ?classSimilarity rs:appliedOnClass ?class .
  ?classSimilarity rs:hasClassSimilarityValue ?similarity .
  ?item a ?class.
  bind (concat("it shares the same class, which is ", strafter(str(?class), "#"), ", with ", strafter(str(?x), "#")) as ?becauseOf)
   #level 0 instance similarities
  #extract the items that share the same value for important predicates with the already liked items..
  #I assumed that having the same instance for important predicates account for 100% of the similarities.
  #This value can be changed according to the test or the application domain.
   values ?instanceImportance {1} #instance level
   bind (?instanceImportance as ?importance)
   bind( 4/7 as ?levelImportance)
   ?x  a ?class.
  ?class rdfs:subClassOf ?mainClass .
  ?mainClass rdfs:subClassOf rs:RecommendableClass .
  ?mainClass rs:hasSimilarityConfiguration ?similarityConfiguration .
  ?similarityConfiguration rs:hasPropertySimilarity ?propertySimilarity .
  ?propertySimilarity rs:appliedOnProperty ?property .
  ?propertySimilarity rs:hasPropertySimilarityValue ?similarity .
  ?x ?property ?value .
  ?item ?property ?value .
    bind (concat("it shares ", strafter(str(?value), "#"), " for predicate ", strafter(str(?property), "#"), " with ", strafter(str(?x), "#")) as ?becauseOf)
  filter (?x != ?item)
group by ?suggestedItem
order by desc(?summedFinalSimilarity)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


@prefix : <urn:ex:>

:x :similar [ :sim 0.10 ; :mult 2 ] ,
            [ :sim 0.12 ; :mult 1 ] ,
            [ :sim 0.12 ; :mult 1 ] ,  # yup, a duplicate
            [ :sim 0.15 ; :mult 4 ] .    


prefix : <urn:ex:>

select ?sim ((?sim * ?mult) as ?final) {
  :x :similar [ :sim ?sim ; :mult ?mult ] .
| sim  | final |
| 0.15 | 0.60  |
| 0.12 | 0.12  |
| 0.12 | 0.12  |
| 0.10 | 0.20  |


select distinct ?sim ((?sim * ?mult) as ?final) {
  :x :similar [ :sim ?sim ; :mult ?mult ] .
| sim  | final |
| 0.15 | 0.60  |
| 0.12 | 0.12  |
| 0.10 | 0.20  |


select (sum(?sim * ?mult) as ?final) {
  :x :similar [ :sim ?sim ; :mult ?mult ] .
| final |
| 1.04  |


@prefix : <urn:ex:>

:x :similar [ :sim 0.10 ; :mult 2 ] ,
            [ :sim 0.12 ; :mult 1 ] ,
            [ :sim 0.15 ; :mult 4 ] .   
prefix : <urn:ex:>

select (sum(?sim * ?mult) as ?final) {
  { :x :similar [ :sim ?sim ; :mult ?mult ] }
  { :x :similar [ :sim ?sim ; :mult ?mult ] }
| final |
| 1.84  |

由于您发现需要使用 group_concat(distinct ...),如果存在重复性,我不会感到惊讶。