我可以编写一个执行此操作的函数: 在右位置的C列中写入E列的值,即" 41"在第2行," 32.8"在第5行和" 24.6"在第8行。
谢谢你。答案 0 :(得分:0)
Private Sub FindNames()
Dim RngArr As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim Rws As Long
Dim FRw As Long
'Sheet1 here is not the tab name, but the CodeName (in VBA its the name not in brackets in project explorer)
RngArr = Sheet1.UsedRange.Value 'get range array
If Not IsArray(RngArr) Then Exit Sub 'either a single cell is used or something is wrong
FRw = Sheet1.UsedRange.Row
Rws = UBound(RngArr, 1) - 1 'get total rows in range minus 1
For i = FRw To FRw + Rws 'loop for the list in D:E
If Not RngArr(i, 4) = vbnulstring Then
For j = FRw To FRw + Rws 'loop for the list in A:B (C)
'if ColD = ColA then ColC = ColE
If RngArr(i, 4) = RngArr(j, 1) Then RngArr(j, 3) = RngArr(i, 5)
Next j
'you could exit the loop here if you list will never have empty spaces to save time although you wont notice
End If
Next i
Sheet1.UsedRange.Value = RngArr 'since we are resizing the original used space we can just dump the results back
End Sub
希望这会有所帮助 保罗S。