
时间:2016-04-01 10:26:06

标签: assembly x86 kernel protected-mode bochs

我开始在(NASM)装配中开发一个小玩具操作系统,仅供我娱乐。 我编写了一个引导加载程序,它将第一个(也是唯一一个)文件从名为“kernel.sys”的FAT12文件系统加载到偏移量为0x7E00的内存中。 在实模式下,内核仅通过BIOS设置适当的视频模式,并进入32位(保护)模式。这就是我可以找到问题的地方。

首先,我设置了一个包含3个描述符(null,ring 0代码,ring 0数据)的GDT,并将其直接加载到内存区域0x0500。然后我使用LGDT指令告诉处理器,然后在PE寄存器中设置CR0位,我想进入具有远跳的保护模式来设置相应的段(0x08 - GDT中的代码段)和指令指针。

第一个版本在QEMU中有效,但在Bochs中没有。 Bochs需要在远程跳转之前设置段,所以我在我的代码中对其进行了修改:在远程跳转之前,我使用GDT中的数据段加载选择器。但是,由于“操作码无效”错误,Bochs仍然无法进入保护模式。


这是我的内核代码: (请注意,标签b32从未到达!)

;;                                                                  ;;
;;                           16-BIT ENTRY                           ;;
;;                                                                  ;;

org 0x7e00
jmp start

sys_gdt        equ 0x00000500
sys_gdt_ring0c equ 0x00000508
sys_gdt_ring0d equ 0x00000510
sys_gdtr       equ 0x00000518


    mov ax, 0
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    mov fs, ax
    mov gs, ax
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 0x1000

    mov ax, 3
    int 0x10

    in al, 0x64
    test al, 2
    jnz set_a20

    mov al, 0xd1
    out 0x64, al

    in al, 0x64
    test al, 2
    jnz test_a20

    mov al, 0xdf
    out 0x60, al

    mov dword [sys_gdt+0], 0
    mov dword [sys_gdt+4], 0

    mov word [sys_gdt_ring0c+0], 0xffff
    mov word [sys_gdt_ring0c+2], 0
    mov byte [sys_gdt_ring0c+4], 0
    mov byte [sys_gdt_ring0c+5], 10011010b
    mov byte [sys_gdt_ring0c+6], 01001111b
    mov byte [sys_gdt_ring0c+7], 0

    mov word [sys_gdt_ring0d+0], 0xffff
    mov word [sys_gdt_ring0d+2], 0
    mov byte [sys_gdt_ring0d+4], 0
    mov byte [sys_gdt_ring0d+5], 10010010b
    mov byte [sys_gdt_ring0d+6], 01001111b
    mov byte [sys_gdt_ring0d+7], 0

    mov word  [sys_gdtr+0], sys_gdtr-sys_gdt-1
    mov dword [sys_gdtr+2], sys_gdt

    lgdt [sys_gdtr] ;; :96

    mov eax, cr0
    or eax, 0x1
    mov cr0, eax

    mov ax, 0x10
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    mov fs, ax
    mov gs, ax
    mov ss, ax
    mov esp, 0x90000

    jmp 0x08:b32


    mov cx, 5
    jmp $


00014041550i[BIOS ] Booting from 0000:7c00
00015625085e[CPU0 ] write_virtual_checks(): write beyond limit, r/w
00015625085i[CPU0 ] CPU is in protected mode (active)
00015625085i[CPU0 ] CS.d_b = 32 bit
00015625085i[CPU0 ] SS.d_b = 32 bit
00015625085i[CPU0 ] EFER   = 0x00000000
00015625085i[CPU0 ] | RAX=0000000060000010  RBX=0000000000000204
00015625085i[CPU0 ] | RCX=0000000000090000  RDX=0000000000000fff
00015625085i[CPU0 ] | RSP=0000000000090000  RBP=0000000000000000
00015625085i[CPU0 ] | RSI=00000000000e018e  RDI=0000000000008000
00015625085i[CPU0 ] |  R8=0000000000000000   R9=0000000000000000
00015625085i[CPU0 ] | R10=0000000000000000  R11=0000000000000000
00015625085i[CPU0 ] | R12=0000000000000000  R13=0000000000000000
00015625085i[CPU0 ] | R14=0000000000000000  R15=0000000000000000
00015625085i[CPU0 ] | IOPL=0 id vip vif ac vm rf nt of df if tf sf zf af PF cf
00015625085i[CPU0 ] | SEG selector     base    limit G D
00015625085i[CPU0 ] | SEG sltr(index|ti|rpl)     base    limit G D
00015625085i[CPU0 ] |  CS:0008( 0001| 0|  0) 00000000 000fffff 0 1
00015625085i[CPU0 ] |  DS:0010( 0002| 0|  0) 00000000 000fffff 0 1
00015625085i[CPU0 ] |  SS:0010( 0002| 0|  0) 00000000 000fffff 0 1
00015625085i[CPU0 ] |  ES:0010( 0002| 0|  0) 00000000 000fffff 0 1
00015625085i[CPU0 ] |  FS:0010( 0002| 0|  0) 00000000 000fffff 0 1
00015625085i[CPU0 ] |  GS:0010( 0002| 0|  0) 00000000 000fffff 0 1
00015625085i[CPU0 ] |  MSR_FS_BASE:0000000000000000
00015625085i[CPU0 ] |  MSR_GS_BASE:0000000000000000
00015625085i[CPU0 ] | RIP=0000000000007ebb (0000000000007eb9)
00015625085i[CPU0 ] | CR0=0x60000011 CR2=0x0000000000000000
00015625085i[CPU0 ] | CR3=0x00000000 CR4=0x00000000
00015625085i[CPU0 ] 0x0000000000007eb9>> add byte ptr ds:[eax], al : 0000
00015625085i[CMOS ] Last time is 1459506108 (Fri Apr  1 12:21:48 2016)
00015625085i[     ] restoring default signal behavior
00015625085i[CTRL ] quit_sim called with exit code 1


jmp start

    OEMLabel          db 'SYRACUSE'
    BytesPerSector    dw 512
    SectorsPerCluster db 1
    ReservedForBoot   dw 1
    NumberOfFats      db 2
    RootDirEntries    dw 224
    LogicalSectors    dw 2880
    MediumByte        db 0xf0
    SectorsPerFat     dw 9
    SectorsPerTrack   dw 18
    Heads             dw 2
    HiddenSectors     dd 0
    LargeSectors      dd 0
    DriveNo           dw 0
    Signature         db 41
    VolumeID          dd 0
    VolumeLabel       db 'Syracuse1.0'
    FileSystem        db 'FAT12   '

    sub ax, 2
    xor cx, cx
    mov cl, byte [SectorsPerCluster]
    mul cx
    add ax, word [datasector]

    xor dx, dx
    div word [SectorsPerTrack]
    inc dl
    mov byte [absoluteSector], dl
    xor dx, dx
    div word [Heads]
    mov byte [absoluteHead], dl
    mov byte [absoluteTrack], al

    mov ah, 0xe
    cmp al, 0
    je .done
    int 0x10
    jmp short .repeat

    mov di, 5

    call lba_chs
    mov ah, 2
    mov al, 1
    mov ch, byte [absoluteTrack]
    mov cl, byte [absoluteSector]
    mov dh, byte [absoluteHead]
    mov dl, byte [DriveNo]
    int 0x13
    jnc .done

    xor ax, ax
    int 0x13

    dec di
    jnz .loop
    int 0x18

    inc ax
    add bx, word [BytesPerSector]
    loop read_sectors

    mov ax, 0x07c0
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    mov fs, ax
    mov gs, ax

    mov ax, 0
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 0xffff

    xor cx, cx
    xor dx, dx
    mov ax, 32
    mul word [RootDirEntries]
    div word [BytesPerSector]
    xchg ax, cx

    mov al, byte [NumberOfFats]
    mul word [SectorsPerFat]
    add ax, word [ReservedForBoot]
    mov word [datasector], ax
    add word [datasector], cx

    mov bx, 0x0200
    call read_sectors

    mov cx, word [RootDirEntries]
    mov di, 0x0200

    push cx

    mov cx, 11
    mov si, kernel

    push di
    rep cmpsb
    pop di
    je load_fat

    pop cx
    add di, 32
    loop .loop

    jmp failure

    mov dx, word [di+0x001a]
    mov word [cluster], dx

    xor ax, ax
    mov al, byte [NumberOfFats]
    mul word [SectorsPerFat]
    mov cx, ax

    mov ax, word [ReservedForBoot]

    mov bx, 0x0200
    call read_sectors

    mov ax, 0x7e00
    mov es, ax
    mov bx, 0x0000

    mov ax, word [cluster]
    call chs_lba
    xor cx, cx
    mov cl, byte [SectorsPerCluster]
    call read_sectors

    mov ax, word [cluster]
    mov cx, ax
    mov dx, ax
    shr dx, 1
    add cx, dx
    mov bx, 0x0200
    add bx, cx
    mov dx, word [bx]
    test ax, 1
    jnz .odd

    and dx, 0000111111111111b
    jmp .done

    shr dx, 4

    mov word [cluster], dx
    cmp dx, 0x0ff0
    jb load_kernel

    mov di, 0x7e00
    xor ax, ax
    mov cx, 512
    rep stosb

    ;push word 0x7e00
    ;push word 0x0000

    jmp 0x7e00:0x0000

    mov si, msg
    call print

    mov ah, 0
    int 0x16
    int 0x19

absoluteSector db 0
absoluteHead   db 0
absoluteTrack  db 0

datasector dw 0
cluster    dw 0

kernel db 'KERNEL  SYS'
msg    db 'MISSING KERNEL. Press any key to reboot...', 0xA, 0xD, 0

times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


你的代码是错误的。首先,您实际上跳转到偏移0,因此您应该使用org 0(这是默认值)。其次,必须针对实模式段调整物理地址,即jmp dword 0x8:b32+0x7e000。这将修复当前代码,但32位部分将再次使用错误的org
