ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped and I have the source code, but I cannot find the main function, or any other function.
.text:0000C440 EXPORT _start
.text:0000C440 _start
.text:0000C440 var_8= -8
.text:0000C440 var_4= -4
.text:0000C440 arg_0= 0
.text:0000C440 MOV R11, #0
.text:0000C444 MOV LR, #0
.text:0000C448 LDR R1, [SP+arg_0],#4
.text:0000C44C MOV R2, SP
.text:0000C450 STR R2, [SP,#-4+arg_0]!
.text:0000C454 STR R0, [SP,#var_4]!
.text:0000C458 LDR R12, =.term_proc
.text:0000C45C STR R12, [SP,#4+var_8]!
.text:0000C460 LDR R0, =sub_C270
.text:0000C464 LDR R3, =.init_proc
.text:0000C468 B __uClibc_main
.text:0000C468 ; End of function _st