单击“发布”按钮后如何在Visual Studio中调试脚本?

时间:2016-03-31 13:32:53

标签: powershell visual-studio-2015

我正在使用scott hanselman's example将asp.net Web应用程序发布到docker容器。


            #Requires –Version 3.0

            Publish an application to Docker container
            Please visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=529706 to learn more about the scirpt

            & '.\contoso-Docker-publish.ps1' -packOutput $env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Temp\PublishTemp -pubxmlFile '.\contoso-Docker.pubxml'

            $publishProperties = @{ "SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish"="http://contoso.cloudapp.net/Home"; }
            & '.\contoso-Docker-publish.ps1' $publishProperties $env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Temp\PublishTemp '.\contoso-Docker.pubxml'

        [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
        param($publishProperties, $packOutput, $pubxmlFile)

            Core publish functions

        function Publish-AspNetDocker {
            [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
            process {

                # Merge publish properties from $publishProperties and $pubxmlFile. The value from $publishProperties will be taken if conflict.
                if ($pubxmlFile -and (Test-Path $pubxmlFile)) {
                    if(!$publishProperties) {
                        $publishProperties = @{}
                    ([xml](Get-Content $pubxmlFile)).SelectNodes(("/*/*/*")) | % { 
                        if (!$publishProperties.ContainsKey($_.Name)) { $publishProperties.Add($_.Name, $_.InnerText) } 

                if (!$publishProperties) {
                    throw 'publishProperties is empty and pubxmlFile is not valid, cannot publish'

                # Trim the trailing '\' to avoid quoting issue
                $packOutput = $packOutput.TrimEnd('\')
                $profileName = (Split-Path $PSCommandPath -Leaf).Replace('-publish.ps1', '')

                # Search for current publish profile and publish script in the package output directory
                $profile = Get-ChildItem -Path $packOutput -Filter "$profileName.pubxml" -Recurse | Where { Test-Path (Join-Path $_.Directory.FullName "$profileName-publish.ps1") } | Select -First 1
                if (!$profile) {
                    throw 'cannot find current publish profile {0}.pubxml in the package output location {1}' -f $profileName, $packOutput
                $dockerfileBasePath = $profile.DirectoryName

                # Find the correct Dockerfile
                $dockerfileRelPath = $publishProperties["DockerfileRelativePath"]
                $dockerfilePath = (Resolve-Path (Join-Path $dockerfileBasePath $dockerfileRelPath)).Path

                # Work around a Docker build command bug docker issue #13898
                $dockerfilePath = '{0}{1}' -f $packOutput, $dockerfilePath.Substring($packOutput.Length)

                # Publish the application to a Docker container
                Publish-DockerContainerApp $publishProperties $packOutput $dockerfilePath


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

有办法做到这一点。将PowerShell项目添加到Visual Studio,您必须使用VS的PowerShell工具。右键单击项目并设置参数。