使用Exchange Web服务API提取Exchange 2007公共日历约会

时间:2010-09-02 21:42:52

标签: c# asp.net web-services exchange-server-2007 ews-managed-api

我们在Exchange 2007公用文件夹中设置了公司的公共日历。我可以使用下面的代码检索当天的个人日历约会。我在网上搜索了高低,我找不到某人从公共文件夹日历中检索日历信息的例子。


- 我不可能是唯一需要这样做的人。让我们为后代解决这个问题。

- 我没有提到我正在研究的项目是.NET 2.0(你觉得非常重要吗?)。

- 我已经用最终工作的代码替换了我的原始代码示例。非常感谢Oleg提供了查找公共文件夹的代码,这是最难的部分。我使用这里的http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2009/04/21/451126.aspx示例修改了代码,以使用更简单的FindAppointments方法。


using System;
using Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data;
using System.Net;

namespace ExchangePublicFolders
    public class Program
        public static FolderId FindPublicFolder(ExchangeService myService, FolderId baseFolderId,
        string folderName)

        FolderView folderView = new FolderView(10, 0);
        folderView.OffsetBasePoint = OffsetBasePoint.Beginning;
        folderView.PropertySet = new PropertySet(FolderSchema.DisplayName, FolderSchema.Id);

        FindFoldersResults folderResults;
            folderResults = myService.FindFolders(baseFolderId, folderView);

            foreach (Folder folder in folderResults)
                if (String.Compare(folder.DisplayName, folderName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    return folder.Id;

            if (folderResults.NextPageOffset.HasValue)
                folderView.Offset = folderResults.NextPageOffset.Value;
        while (folderResults.MoreAvailable);

        return null;

    public static string MyTest()
        ExchangeService myService = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);

        myService.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("USERNAME", "PASSWORD", "DOMAIN");
        myService.Url = new Uri("https://MAILSERVER/ews/exchange.asmx");

        Folder myPublicFoldersRoot = Folder.Bind(myService, WellKnownFolderName.PublicFoldersRoot);
        string myPublicFolderPath = @"PUBLIC_FOLDER_CALENDAR_NAME";
        string[] folderPath = myPublicFolderPath.Split('\\');
        FolderId fId = myPublicFoldersRoot.Id;
        foreach (string subFolderName in folderPath)
            fId = Program.FindPublicFolder(myService, fId, subFolderName);
            if (fId == null)
                return string.Format("ERROR: Can't find public folder {0}", myPublicFolderPath);


        Folder folderFound = Folder.Bind(myService, fId);
        if (String.Compare(folderFound.FolderClass, "IPF.Appointment", StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0)
            return string.Format("ERROR: Public folder {0} is not a Calendar", myPublicFolderPath);


        CalendarFolder AK_Calendar = CalendarFolder.Bind(myService, fId, BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties);

        FindItemsResults<Appointment> AK_appointments = AK_Calendar.FindAppointments(new CalendarView(DateTime.Now,DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)));

        string rString = string.Empty;

        foreach (Appointment AK_appoint in AK_appointments)

            rString += string.Format("Subject: {0}<br />Date: {1}<br /><br />",  AK_appoint.Subject, AK_appoint.Start);    

        return rString;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:15)

这里承诺的是一个代码示例。我使用the Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS) Managed API 1.0并建议你也这样做。我在代码中包含的评论最多

using System;
using Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data;
using System.Net;

namespace ExchangePublicFolders {
    class Program {
        static FolderId FindPublicFolder (ExchangeService myService, FolderId baseFolderId,
            string folderName) {

            // We will search using paging. We will use page size 10
            FolderView folderView = new FolderView (10,0);
            folderView.OffsetBasePoint = OffsetBasePoint.Beginning;
            // we will need only DisplayName and Id of every folder
            // se we'll reduce the property set to the properties
            folderView.PropertySet = new PropertySet (FolderSchema.DisplayName,

            FindFoldersResults folderResults;
            do {
                folderResults = myService.FindFolders (baseFolderId, folderView);

                foreach (Folder folder in folderResults)
                    if (String.Compare (folder.DisplayName, folderName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                        return folder.Id;

                if (folderResults.NextPageOffset.HasValue)
                    // go to the next page
                    folderView.Offset = folderResults.NextPageOffset.Value;
            while (folderResults.MoreAvailable);

            return null;

        static void MyTest () {
            // IMPORTANT: ExchangeService is NOT thread safe, so one should create an instance of
            // ExchangeService whenever one needs it.
            ExchangeService myService = new ExchangeService (ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);

            myService.Credentials = new NetworkCredential ("MyUser@corp.local", "myPassword00");
            myService.Url = new Uri ("http://mailwebsvc-t.services.local/ews/exchange.asmx");
            // next line is very practical during development phase or for debugging
            myService.TraceEnabled = true;

            Folder myPublicFoldersRoot = Folder.Bind (myService, WellKnownFolderName.PublicFoldersRoot);
            string myPublicFolderPath = @"OK soft GmbH (DE)\Gruppenpostfächer\_Template - Gruppenpostfach\_Template - Kalender";
            string[] folderPath = myPublicFolderPath.Split('\\');
            FolderId fId = myPublicFoldersRoot.Id;
            foreach (string subFolderName in folderPath) {
                fId = FindPublicFolder (myService, fId, subFolderName);
                if (fId == null) {
                    Console.WriteLine ("ERROR: Can't find public folder {0}", myPublicFolderPath);

            // verify that we found 
            Folder folderFound = Folder.Bind (myService, fId);
            if (String.Compare (folderFound.FolderClass, "IPF.Appointment", StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0) {
                Console.WriteLine ("ERROR: Public folder {0} is not a Calendar", myPublicFolderPath);

            CalendarFolder myPublicFolder = CalendarFolder.Bind (myService,

            if (myPublicFolder.TotalCount == 0) {
                Console.WriteLine ("Warning: Public folder {0} has no appointment. We try to create one.", myPublicFolderPath);

                Appointment app = new Appointment (myService);
                app.Subject = "Writing a code example";
                app.Start = new DateTime (2010, 9, 9);
                app.End = new DateTime (2010, 9, 10);
                app.RequiredAttendees.Add ("oleg.kiriljuk@ok-soft-gmbh.com");
                app.Culture = "de-DE";
                app.Save (myPublicFolder.Id, SendInvitationsMode.SendToNone);

            // We will search using paging. We will use page size 10
            ItemView viewCalendar = new ItemView (10);
            // we can include all properties which we need in the view
            // If we comment the next line then ALL properties will be
            // read from the server. We can see there in the debug output
            viewCalendar.PropertySet = new PropertySet (ItemSchema.Subject);
            viewCalendar.Offset = 0;
            viewCalendar.OffsetBasePoint = OffsetBasePoint.Beginning;
            viewCalendar.OrderBy.Add (ContactSchema.DateTimeCreated, SortDirection.Descending);

            FindItemsResults<Item> findResultsCalendar;
            do {
                findResultsCalendar = myPublicFolder.FindItems (viewCalendar);

                foreach (Item item in findResultsCalendar) {
                    if (item is Appointment) {
                        Appointment appoint = item as Appointment;
                        Console.WriteLine ("Subject: \"{0}\"", appoint.Subject);

                if (findResultsCalendar.NextPageOffset.HasValue)
                    // go to the next page
                    viewCalendar.Offset = findResultsCalendar.NextPageOffset.Value;
            while (findResultsCalendar.MoreAvailable);
        static void Main (string[] args) {

您应该使用公开日历文件夹将字符串myPublicFolderPath更新为该值。我设置myService.TraceEnabled = true,它产生带有调试信息的长输出。您应该删除生产线。

更新:您可以在Create new calendar system support in Exchange OWA中找到一些其他链接。如果您还没有看过这些视频并且想要使用Exchange Web服务,我建议您在那里观看。它可以节省你将来的时间。

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