
时间:2016-03-30 15:55:48

标签: javascript mysql node.js sails.js knex.js

我正在使用Sails.js v0.12.0而我正在尝试修改policies的链,以使用promises(在我的情况下为bluebird)。

如果在某些进行中的策略或操作中发生错误,则应该在promise catch语句中捕获此错误,作为返回具有被拒绝状态的promise的嵌套函数的结果。


在我的情况下,我想创建policy that creates database transactionsisTransational.js我使用MySQL数据库,Knex.js用于此 并在继续应用逻辑中使用此transaction




module.exports = function(req, res, next) {
   // MAIN ISSUE: There I need to get reference to next middleware 
   // not fn(req, res, function (err) {...) like specified at
   // sails/lib/router/bind.js:179. I tried to get it using 
   // `sails` event `route:route` but it does not fires at the
   // right moment, trying to find other solution.
   var PolicyNext = PolicyHelper.promisify(nextPolicy);

   sails.knex.transaction(function(trx) {
       // If somewhere in proceeding logic will be transaction
       // commited, response to client can be handled inside, 
       // no need to bubble up to this level.
       // If error occurs while performing transaction,
       // first catch block will catch error, if no catch 
       // is present in whole chain, transaction error will be
       // caught at this level.
       PolicyNext(req, res);

     }).then(function() {'Transaction has been completed successfully.');
     .catch(function(error) {
       // If we get here, that means some part or transaction
       // has failed.


  • 将基本sails.js中间件功能转换为 承诺返回功能

promisify: function (policy) {
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    var req = policy.req;
    var res = policy.res;
    policy.fn(req, res, function(err) {
      // INVESTIGATE: (this would allow `req.params` aka route
      // params to be changed in policies). Hold on to the current 
      // state of `req.params` after user code was run.
      req._modifiedRouteParams = _.cloneDeep(req.params);	
      if (err) reject(err);
      // Continue onwards

有什么建议吗? 谢谢。

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