ASP.NET AES Padding无效,无法删除

时间:2016-03-30 13:58:10

标签: encryption aes sql-server-2014-express




Shared Function EncryptStringToBytes_Aes(ByVal plainText As String, ByVal Key() As Byte, ByVal IV() As Byte) As Byte()
    ' Check arguments.
    If plainText Is Nothing OrElse plainText.Length <= 0 Then
        Throw New ArgumentNullException("plainText")
    End If
    If Key Is Nothing OrElse Key.Length <= 0 Then
        Throw New ArgumentNullException("Key")
    End If
    If IV Is Nothing OrElse IV.Length <= 0 Then
        Throw New ArgumentNullException("Key")
    End If
    Dim encrypted() As Byte
    ' Create an Aes object
    ' with the specified key and IV.
    Using aesAlg As Aes = Aes.Create()

        aesAlg.Key = Key
        aesAlg.IV = IV

        ' Create a decrytor to perform the stream transform.
        Dim encryptor As ICryptoTransform = aesAlg.CreateEncryptor(aesAlg.Key, aesAlg.IV)
        ' Create the streams used for encryption.
        Using msEncrypt As New MemoryStream()
            Using csEncrypt As New CryptoStream(msEncrypt, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write)
                Using swEncrypt As New StreamWriter(csEncrypt)

                    'Write all data to the stream.
                End Using
                encrypted = msEncrypt.ToArray()
            End Using
        End Using
    End Using

    ' Return the encrypted bytes from the memory stream.
    Return encrypted

End Function 'EncryptStringToBytes_Aes

Shared Function DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(ByVal cipherText() As Byte, ByVal Key() As Byte, ByVal IV() As Byte) As String
    ' Check arguments.
    If cipherText Is Nothing OrElse cipherText.Length <= 0 Then
        Throw New ArgumentNullException("cipherText")
    End If
    If Key Is Nothing OrElse Key.Length <= 0 Then
        Throw New ArgumentNullException("Key")
    End If
    If IV Is Nothing OrElse IV.Length <= 0 Then
        Throw New ArgumentNullException("Key")
    End If
    ' Declare the string used to hold
    ' the decrypted text.
    Dim plaintext As String = Nothing

    ' Create an Aes object
    ' with the specified key and IV.
    Using aesAlg As Aes = Aes.Create()
        aesAlg.Key = Key
        aesAlg.IV = IV

        ' Create a decrytor to perform the stream transform.
        Dim decryptor As ICryptoTransform = aesAlg.CreateDecryptor(aesAlg.Key, aesAlg.IV)

        ' Create the streams used for decryption.
        Using msDecrypt As New MemoryStream(cipherText)

            Using csDecrypt As New CryptoStream(msDecrypt, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read)

                Using srDecrypt As New StreamReader(csDecrypt)
                    ' Read the decrypted bytes from the decrypting stream
                    ' and place them in a string.
                    plaintext = srDecrypt.ReadToEnd()
                End Using   <= PADDING ERROR THROWN HERE
            End Using

            'cipherText = msDecrypt.ToArray() 'added by me

        End Using
    End Using

    Return plaintext

End Function 'DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes 


    Dim original As String = "Here is some data to encrypt!"

    Dim key As Rfc2898DeriveBytes = New Rfc2898DeriveBytes(_sharedSecret, _salt)


        ' Create a new instance of the Aes
        ' class.  This generates a new key and initialization 
        ' vector (IV).
        Using myAes As Aes = Aes.Create()

            myAes.Key = key.GetBytes(myAes.KeySize / 8)
            myAes.IV = key.GetBytes(myAes.BlockSize / 8)

            ' Encrypt the string to an array of bytes.
            Dim encrypted As Byte() = EncryptStringToBytes_Aes(original, myAes.Key, myAes.IV)

            ' Decrypt the bytes to a string.
            Dim roundtrip As String = DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(encrypted, myAes.Key, myAes.IV)

            'Display the original data and the decrypted data.
            ltStatus.Text = String.Format("Original:   {0}", original)
            ltStatus.Text += String.Format("Round Trip: {0}", roundtrip)
        End Using
    Catch ex As Exception
        Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message)
    End Try


    Dim _salt As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("o6806642kbM7c5")
    Dim _sharedSecret As String = "abcd"
    Dim original As String = "Here is some data to encrypt!"
    Dim key As Rfc2898DeriveBytes = New Rfc2898DeriveBytes(_sharedSecret, _salt)
    Dim encrypted As Byte()
        Using myAes As Aes = Aes.Create()
            myAes.Key = key.GetBytes(myAes.KeySize / 8)
            myAes.IV = key.GetBytes(myAes.BlockSize / 8)
            myAes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7
            encrypted = EncryptStringToBytes_Aes(original, myAes.Key, myAes.IV)
        End Using
    Catch ex As Exception
        Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message)
    End Try
    'save to DB
    Dim myConnection As SqlConnection = GetConnection()
    Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("UPDATE banks set bank_name=@bankname WHERE id=1", myConnection)
    cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@bankname", encrypted))
    Catch ex As Exception
        GlobalFunctions.LogError("banks:INSERT encrypted", ex.Message, LogLevel.Normal)
    End Try

    'retreive from db
    Dim decrypted As String = ""
    myConnection = GetConnection()
    cmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT bank_name FROM banks where id=1", myConnection)
    Dim reader As SqlDataReader
        reader = cmd.ExecuteReader
        If reader.Read Then
            Using myAes As Aes = Aes.Create()
                myAes.Key = key.GetBytes(myAes.KeySize / 8)
                myAes.IV = key.GetBytes(myAes.BlockSize / 8)
                myAes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7
                decrypted = DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(reader("bank_name"), myAes.Key, myAes.IV)
            End Using
            GlobalFunctions.LogError("banks:nothing to be read?!?", LogLevel.Normal)
        End If

    Catch ex As Exception
        GlobalFunctions.LogError("banks:SELECT encrypted.", ex.Message, LogLevel.Normal)
    End Try


bank_name类型的字段varbinary(MAX)中,我的MSSQL数据库中成功添加了二进制值。 (我也尝试过较小的字段,例如varbinary(50)

但是当我尝试从数据库中撤销后尝试解密此字段时,我收到错误Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.在上面的代码中看到带有注释'&lt; = PADDING ERROR THROWN THENWN'的代码行'失败的代码(WITH数据库) )”

我查看了herehere。而且我没有传递空字符串 此外,我尝试添加cipherText = msDecrypt.ToArray(),但错误已在此行被发现之前发生。




myAes.Key in 00000000 95 0C 95 EA 1D 40 0C FB 1D 3F B7 FB 73 FB 3F EA 00000010 40 62 51 62 51 EA 62 73 B7 2E 1D C8 1D 51 51 95

myAes.IV in 00000000 51 A6 84 73 95 C8 2E 62 84 C8 0C 62 C8 2E 1D84

加密 00000000 FB FB B7 73 D9 51 A6 2E 95 73 62 73 3F 84 A640 00000010 B7 62 84 2E 51 95 EA 1D 51 A6 EA 2E 51 A6 51 95

myAes.Key out 00000000 51 1D 73 40 EA A6 73 EA FB 73 73 A6 0C A6 D9 1D 00000010 2E 3F FB 2E 73 A6 A6 0C A6 C8 95 0C D9 1D B7 73

myAes.IV out 00000000 B7 95 51 73 B7 D9 95 EA 0C C8 95 95 0C 84 40 62

加密出来 00000000 FB FB B7 73 D9 51 A6 2E 95 73 62 73 3F 84 A640 00000010 B7 62 84 2E 51 95 EA 1D 51 A6 EA 2E 51 A6 51 95



Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Text

Namespace HexDump
    Class Utils
        Public Shared Function HexDump(bytes As Byte(), Optional bytesPerLine As Integer = 16) As String
            If bytes Is Nothing Then
                Return "<null>"
            End If
            Dim bytesLength As Integer = bytes.Length

            Dim HexChars As Char() = "0123456789ABCDEF".ToCharArray()

            ' 8 characters for the address
            Dim firstHexColumn As Integer = 8 + 3
            ' 3 spaces
            ' - 2 digit for the hexadecimal value and 1 space
            ' - 1 extra space every 8 characters from the 9th
            Dim firstCharColumn As Integer = firstHexColumn + bytesPerLine * 3 + (bytesPerLine - 1) / 8 + 2
            ' 2 spaces 
            ' - characters to show the ascii value
            Dim lineLength As Integer = firstCharColumn + bytesPerLine + Environment.NewLine.Length
            ' Carriage return and line feed (should normally be 2)
            Dim line As Char() = (New [String](" "c, lineLength - Environment.NewLine.Length) + Environment.NewLine).ToCharArray()
            Dim expectedLines As Integer = (bytesLength + bytesPerLine - 1) / bytesPerLine
            Dim result As New StringBuilder(expectedLines * lineLength)

            Dim i As Integer = 0
            While i < bytesLength
                line(0) = HexChars((i >> 28) And &HF)
                line(1) = HexChars((i >> 24) And &HF)
                line(2) = HexChars((i >> 20) And &HF)
                line(3) = HexChars((i >> 16) And &HF)
                line(4) = HexChars((i >> 12) And &HF)
                line(5) = HexChars((i >> 8) And &HF)
                line(6) = HexChars((i >> 4) And &HF)
                line(7) = HexChars((i >> 0) And &HF)

                Dim hexColumn As Integer = firstHexColumn
                Dim charColumn As Integer = firstCharColumn

                For j As Integer = 0 To bytesPerLine - 1
                    If j > 0 AndAlso (j And 7) = 0 Then
                        hexColumn += 1
                    End If
                    If i + j >= bytesLength Then
                        line(hexColumn) = " "c
                        line(hexColumn + 1) = " "c
                        line(charColumn) = " "c
                        'Dim b As Byte = bytes(i + j)
                        'line(hexColumn) = HexChars((b >> 4) And &HF)
                        'line(hexColumn + 1) = HexChars(b And &HF)
                        'line(charColumn) = (If(b < 32, "·"c, CChar(b)))
                        Dim b As Byte = bytes((i + j))
                        line(hexColumn) = HexChars(((b + 4) _
             And 15))
                        line((hexColumn + 1)) = HexChars((b And 15))
                        line(charColumn) = Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(65533)

                    End If
                    hexColumn += 3
                    charColumn += 1
                i += bytesPerLine
            End While
            Return result.ToString()
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace

Public Class banks_financial
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Private _lang As String
    Private _registryId As Integer

    Private _salt As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("o6806642kbM7c5")
    Private _sharedSecret As String = "abcd"

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Dim original As String = "Here is some data to encrypt!"
        Dim key As Rfc2898DeriveBytes = New Rfc2898DeriveBytes(_sharedSecret, _salt)
        Dim encrypted As Byte()
            Using myAes As Aes = Aes.Create()
                myAes.Key = key.GetBytes(myAes.KeySize / 8)
                myAes.IV = key.GetBytes(myAes.BlockSize / 8)
                myAes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7
                encrypted = EncryptStringToBytes_Aes(original, myAes.Key, myAes.IV)

                ReportError("myAes.Key in", HexDump.Utils.HexDump(myAes.Key))
                ReportError("myAes.IV in", HexDump.Utils.HexDump(myAes.IV))
                ReportError("encrypted in", HexDump.Utils.HexDump(encrypted))

            End Using
        Catch ex As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message)
        End Try
        'save to DB
        Dim myConnection As SqlConnection = GetConnection()
        Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("UPDATE banks set bank_name=@bankname WHERE id=1", myConnection)
        cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@bankname", encrypted))
        Catch ex As Exception
            GlobalFunctions.ReportError("banks:INSERT encrypted", ex.Message, LogLevel.Normal)
        End Try

        'retreive from db
        Dim decrypted As String = ""
        myConnection = GetConnection()
        cmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT bank_name FROM banks where id=1", myConnection)
        Dim reader As SqlDataReader
            reader = cmd.ExecuteReader
            If reader.Read Then
                Using myAes As Aes = Aes.Create()
                    myAes.Key = key.GetBytes(myAes.KeySize / 8)
                    myAes.IV = key.GetBytes(myAes.BlockSize / 8)
                    myAes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7

                    ReportError("myAes.Key out", HexDump.Utils.HexDump(myAes.Key))
                    ReportError("myAes.IV out", HexDump.Utils.HexDump(myAes.IV))
                    ReportError("encrypted out", HexDump.Utils.HexDump(reader("bank_name")))
                    decrypted = DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(reader("bank_name"), myAes.Key, myAes.IV)
                    ReportError("decrypted", decrypted)
                End Using
                GlobalFunctions.ReportError("banks:nothing to be read?!?", LogLevel.Normal)
            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
            GlobalFunctions.ReportError("banks:SELECT encrypted.", ex.Message, LogLevel.Normal)
        End Try

        ltStatus.Text = GetMessageStatus(decrypted, MsgType.ok)

End Class

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

当前的问题是您的测试代码滥用了Rfc2898DeriveBytes / PBKDF。它与数据库无关。每次在给定实例上调用GetBytes()时,它都会返回一组不同的字节(按设计!)。这有点像这样的代码很明显:

    Dim salt = CryptoTools.GetRandomBytes(16)
    Dim PBKDF = New Rfc2898DeriveBytes("secret", salt, 10000)

    Dim a = PBKDF.GetBytes(32)
    Dim b = PBKDF.GetBytes(32)
    Dim c = PBKDF.GetBytes(32)

    If a.SequenceEqual(b) = False Then
        Console.WriteLine("A != B")
    End If


enter image description here

阵列根本不相同。来自MSDN for GetBytes的备注部分:


Rfc2898DeriveBytes类获取密码,salt和迭代计数,然后通过调用GetBytes方法生成重复调用此方法不会生成相同的密钥; ...

重点是我的,但是要指出它是一个关键的生成器而不仅仅是一个哈希。所以,在你的“Fails with Database”代码中你有这个块:

Dim key As Rfc2898DeriveBytes = New Rfc2898DeriveBytes(_sharedSecret, _salt)
Using myAes As Aes = Aes.Create()
    myAes.Key = key.GetBytes(myAes.KeySize / 8)
    myAes.IV = key.GetBytes(myAes.BlockSize / 8)
End Using



' after this line...
Dim decrypted As String = ""
' ...add this:
key As Rfc2898DeriveBytes = New Rfc2898DeriveBytes(_sharedSecret, _salt)
' or


最后,请注意,IV和Salt 应该是唯一且随机的,以便进行有效加密。使用相同的密码,密钥,盐和IV来加密每一行并没有太多意义,超出了安全的假象。有人只需要破解一行的PW来获取所有行的数据。


答案 1 :(得分:0)







