Subject Time Drive Stimuli GazeX GazeY
1 526.10 6 E2 719.1975 696.4445
1 526.12 6 E2 717.1129 696.6486
6 530.83 5 A 716.9166 913.4790
6 530.85 5 A 716.9121 913.6028
10 631.55 6 N3 698.2593 573.6330
10 631.56 6 N3 710.7646 581.1820
16 0.1500 4 N 698.2593 573.6330
16 0.1667 4 N 710.7646 581.1820
25 128.08 7 T1 688.7745 634.5504
25 128.10 7 T1 690.3805 635.9002
40 783.92 5 N2 1178.798 248.8600
40 783.93 5 N2 NA NA
#Create a boxplot based off a drive value of 4 following the x-coordinates
formula = value ~ Stimuli,
data = dat.x4,
outline = FALSE,
boxwex = 0.25,
#subctr is a picker object in manipulate that filters the data based on the selected subject number
subset = c(Subject == subctr & Drive == "4"),
main = paste("T0",subctr," 4LD1 X-Position",sep=""),
xlab = "Stimuli",
ylab = "X-position Gaze"),
#Create a boxplot based off a drive value of 4 following the y-coordinates
formula = value ~ Stimuli,
data = dat.y4,
outline = FALSE,
boxwex = 0.25,
subset = c(Subject == subctr & Drive == "4"),
main = paste("T0",subctr," 4LD1 Y-Position",sep=""),
xlab = "Stimuli",
ylab = "Y-position Gaze"),
boxplot(#Same as above, for Drive value of 5, following x-coordinates),
boxplot(#Same as above, for Drive value of 5, following y-coordinates),
boxplot(#Same as above, for Drive value of 6, following x-coordinates),
boxplot(#Same as above, for Drive value of 6, following y-coordinates),
boxplot(#Same as above, for Drive value of 7, following x-coordinates),
boxplot(#Same as above, for Drive value of 7, following y-coordinates))
my.data <- read.csv("gazecsv1.csv", na.strings = "NaN")
my.data <- gazecsv1
#This is repeated 8 times to have enough different data sets to show the data I need shown in each boxplot.
dat.x4 <- melt(my.data,id.vars=c("Drive", "Stimuli", "Subject"), measure.vars="GazeX")
dat.x4$Stimuli = factor(dat.x4$Stimuli, c("N"))