我有2014年的Sql Stander版本,也是发行商和发行商。我在其他Server上创建了Sql Stander Edition上的Subscriber.Subscriber pull Snapshot Replication工作正常,我可以查看数据。
当我使用2014 Express版时,由于2014年快递版不支持SQL Server Agent,因此无法使用。
任何人都可以知道在快递版中调用pull订阅模型的任何其他选项。或者我们不能这样做 这是我用过的代码
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// createSubscriber();
public bool CreatePublication( string publisherName, string publicationName, string publicationDbName)
ReplicationDatabase publicationDb;
TransPublication publication;
// Create a connection to the Publisher using Windows Authentication.
ServerConnection conn;
conn = new ServerConnection(publisherName);
// Connect to the Publisher.
// Enable the AdventureWorks database for transactional publishing.
publicationDb = new ReplicationDatabase(publicationDbName, conn);
// If the database exists and is not already enabled,
// enable it for transactional publishing.
if (publicationDb.LoadProperties())
if (!publicationDb.EnabledTransPublishing)
publicationDb.EnabledTransPublishing = true;
// If the Log Reader Agent does not exist, create it.
if (!publicationDb.LogReaderAgentExists)
// Specify the Windows account under which the agent job runs.
// This account will be used for the local connection to the
// Distributor and all agent connections that use Windows Authentication.
publicationDb.LogReaderAgentProcessSecurity.Login = textBox1.Text ;
publicationDb.LogReaderAgentProcessSecurity.Password = textBox2.Text;
// Explicitly set authentication mode for the Publisher connection
// to the default value of Windows Authentication.
publicationDb.LogReaderAgentPublisherSecurity.WindowsAuthentication = true;
// Create the Log Reader Agent job.
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
"The {0} database does not exist at {1}.",
publicationDb, publisherName));
// Set the required properties for the transactional publication.
publication = new TransPublication();
publication.ConnectionContext = conn;
publication.Name = publicationName;
publication.DatabaseName = publicationDbName;
// Specify a transactional publication (the default).
publication.Type = PublicationType.Snapshot;
// Activate the publication so that we can add subscriptions.
publication.Status = State.Active;
// Enable push and pull subscriptions and independent Distribition Agents.
publication.Attributes |= PublicationAttributes.AllowPull;
//publication.Attributes |= PublicationAttributes.AllowPush;
//publication.Attributes |= PublicationAttributes.IndependentAgent;
// Specify the Windows account under which the Snapshot Agent job runs.
// This account will be used for the local connection to the
// Distributor and all agent connections that use Windows Authentication.
publication.SnapshotGenerationAgentProcessSecurity.Login = textBox1.Text;
publication.SnapshotGenerationAgentProcessSecurity.Password = textBox2.Text;
// Explicitly set the security mode for the Publisher connection
// Windows Authentication (the default).
publication.SnapshotGenerationAgentPublisherSecurity.WindowsAuthentication = true;
ReplicationAgentSchedule schedule;
if (publication.LoadProperties() || publication.SnapshotAvailable)
// Set a weekly schedule for the filtered data snapshot.
schedule = new ReplicationAgentSchedule();
schedule.FrequencyType = ScheduleFrequencyType.Continuously;
schedule.FrequencyRecurrenceFactor = 1;
schedule.FrequencyInterval = Convert.ToInt32(0x001);
if (!publication.IsExistingObject)
// Create the transactional publication.
// Create a Snapshot Agent job for the publication.
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
"The {0} publication already exists.", publicationName));
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
// Implement custom application error handling here.
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
"The publication {0} could not be created.", publicationName), ex);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="distributionDbName">distribution data base Name</param>
/// <param name="publisherName">Publisher Name </param>
/// <param name="publicationDbName">Publication data base name</param>
/// <param name="distributionDbPassword"> Set the password of the database</param>
/// <param name="WorkingDirectoryPath">Network location from where it can be access </param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool ConfigurationPublishreAndDistributor(string distributionDbName , string publisherName, string publicationDbName, string distributionDbPassword,string WorkingDirectoryPath)
DistributionDatabase distributionDb;
ReplicationServer distributor;
DistributionPublisher publisher;
ReplicationDatabase publicationDb;
// Create a connection to the server using Windows Authentication.
ServerConnection conn = new ServerConnection(publisherName);
// Connect to the server acting as the Distributor
// and local Publisher.
// Define the distribution database at the Distributor,
// but do not create it now.
distributionDb = new DistributionDatabase(distributionDbName, conn);
distributionDb.MaxDistributionRetention = 96;
distributionDb.HistoryRetention = 120;
// Set the Distributor properties and install the Distributor.
// This also creates the specified distribution database.
distributor = new ReplicationServer(conn);
distributor.InstallDistributor(distributionDbPassword, distributionDb);
// Set the Publisher properties and install the Publisher.
publisher = new DistributionPublisher(publisherName, conn);
publisher.DistributionDatabase = distributionDb.Name;
publisher.WorkingDirectory = WorkingDirectoryPath;
publisher.PublisherSecurity.WindowsAuthentication = true;
// Enable AdventureWorks2012 as a publication database.
publicationDb = new ReplicationDatabase(publicationDbName, conn);
publicationDb.EnabledTransPublishing = true;
publicationDb.EnabledMergePublishing = true;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
// Implement appropriate error handling here.
return false;
throw new ApplicationException("An error occured when installing distribution and publishing.", ex);
private void CreateDistributorServer1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ConfigurationPublishreAndDistributor("distribution", @"SERVER-002\SQLSERVER2014", "ReplicationDB", "Asdf1234!", @"\\SERVER-001\Replication-001"))
if (CreatePublication(@"SERVER-002\SQLSERVER2014", "ReplicationSnapShort", "ReplicationDB"))
string publisherName = @"SERVER-002\SQLSERVER2014";
string publicationName = "ReplicationSnapShort";
string publicationDbName = "ReplicationDB";
string articleName = "student";
string schemaOwner = "dbo";
TransArticle article;
// Create a connection to the Publisher.
ServerConnection conn = new ServerConnection(publisherName);
// Create a filtered transactional articles in the following steps:
// 1) Create the article with a horizontal filter clause.
// 2) Add columns to or remove columns from the article.
// Connect to the Publisher.
// Define a horizontally filtered, log-based table article.
article = new TransArticle();
article.ConnectionContext = conn;
article.Name = articleName;
article.DatabaseName = publicationDbName;
article.SourceObjectName = articleName;
article.SourceObjectOwner = schemaOwner;
article.PublicationName = publicationName;
article.Type = ArticleOptions.LogBased;
String[] articlecolumns = new String[2];
articlecolumns[0] = "studentid";
articlecolumns[1] = "name";
//article.FilterClause = "DiscontinuedDate IS NULL";
// Ensure that we create the schema owner at the Subscriber.
article.SchemaOption |= CreationScriptOptions.Schema;
if (!article.IsExistingObject)
// Create the article.
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
"The article {0} already exists in publication {1}.",
articleName, publicationName));
// Create an array of column names to remove from the article.
String[] columns = new String[2];
columns[0] = "studentid";
columns[1] = "name";
// Remove the column from the article.
// publication.StartSnapshotGenerationAgentJob();
catch (Exception ex)
// Implement appropriate error handling here.
throw new ApplicationException("The article could not be created.", ex);
MessageBox.Show("Create the Distributor and Publisher");
public bool startTheAgentNow()
string publisherName = @"SERVER-002\SQLSERVER2014";
string publicationName = "ReplicationSnapShort";
string publicationDbName = "ReplicationDB";
TransPublication publication;
// Create a connection to the Publisher using Windows Authentication.
ServerConnection conn;
conn = new ServerConnection(publisherName);
// Connect to the Publisher.
// Set the required properties for an existing publication.
publication = new TransPublication();
publication.ConnectionContext = conn;
publication.Name = publicationName;
publication.DatabaseName = publicationDbName;
if (publication.LoadProperties())
// Start the Snapshot Agent job for the publication.
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
"The {0} publication does not exist.", publicationName));
catch (Exception ex)
// Implement custom application error handling here.
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
"A snapshot could not be generated for the {0} publication."
, publicationName), ex);
// createSubscriber();
return true;
public bool createSubscriber()
// Define the Publisher, publication, and databases.
string publicationName = "ReplicationSnapShort";
string publisherName = @"SERVER-002\SQLSERVER2014";
string subscriberName = @"SERVER-001\SQLSERVER2014";
string subscriptionDbName = "ReplicationDB1";
string publicationDbName = "ReplicationDB";
//Create connections to the Publisher and Subscriber.
ServerConnection subscriberConn = new ServerConnection(subscriberName);
ServerConnection publisherConn = new ServerConnection(publisherName);
// Create the objects that we need.
TransPublication publication;
TransPullSubscription subscription;
// Connect to the Publisher and Subscriber.
// Ensure that the publication exists and that
// it supports pull subscriptions.
publication = new TransPublication();
publication.Name = publicationName;
publication.DatabaseName = publicationDbName;
publication.ConnectionContext = publisherConn;
if (publication.IsExistingObject)
if ((publication.Attributes & PublicationAttributes.AllowPull) == 0)
publication.Attributes |= PublicationAttributes.AllowPull;
// Define the pull subscription.
subscription = new TransPullSubscription();
subscription.ConnectionContext = subscriberConn;
subscription.PublisherName = publisherName;
subscription.PublicationName = publicationName;
subscription.PublicationDBName = publicationDbName;
subscription.DatabaseName = subscriptionDbName;
// Specify the Windows login credentials for the Distribution Agent job.
subscription.SynchronizationAgentProcessSecurity.Login = textBox1.Text;
subscription.SynchronizationAgentProcessSecurity.Password = textBox2.Text;
// Make sure that the agent job for the subscription is created.
subscription.CreateSyncAgentByDefault = true;
// By default, subscriptions to transactional publications are synchronized
// continuously, but in this case we only want to synchronize on demand.
subscription.AgentSchedule.FrequencyType = ScheduleFrequencyType.Continuously;
// Create the pull subscription at the Subscriber.
Boolean registered = false;
// Verify that the subscription is not already registered.
foreach (TransSubscription existing
in publication.EnumSubscriptions())
if (existing.SubscriberName == subscriberName
&& existing.SubscriptionDBName == subscriptionDbName)
registered = true;
if (!registered)
// Register the subscription with the Publisher.
subscriberName, subscriptionDbName,
// Do something here if the publication does not exist.
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
"The publication '{0}' does not exist on {1}.",
publicationName, publisherName));
catch (Exception ex)
// Implement the appropriate error handling here.
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
"The subscription to {0} could not be created.", publicationName), ex);
MessageBox.Show("Subscription is Created");
return true;
/// <summary>
/// This is the code of the
/// </summary>
public void disableTheServer2Distributor()
string publisherName = @"SERVER-002\SQLSERVER2014";
string publicationDbName = "ReplicationDB";
string distributorName = @"SERVER-002\SQLSERVER2014";
string distributionDbName = "distribution";
// Create connections to the Publisher and Distributor
// using Windows Authentication.
ServerConnection publisherConn = new ServerConnection(publisherName);
ServerConnection distributorConn = new ServerConnection(distributorName);
// Create the objects we need.
ReplicationServer distributor =
new ReplicationServer(distributorConn);
DistributionPublisher publisher;
DistributionDatabase distributionDb =
new DistributionDatabase(distributionDbName, distributorConn);
ReplicationDatabase publicationDb;
publicationDb = new ReplicationDatabase(publicationDbName, publisherConn);
// Connect to the Publisher and Distributor.
// Disable all publishing on the AdventureWorks2012 database.
if (publicationDb.LoadProperties())
if (publicationDb.EnabledMergePublishing)
publicationDb.EnabledMergePublishing = false;
else if (publicationDb.EnabledTransPublishing)
publicationDb.EnabledTransPublishing = false;
throw new ApplicationException(
String.Format("The {0} database does not exist.", publicationDbName));
// We cannot uninstall the Publisher if there are still Subscribers.
if (distributor.RegisteredSubscribers.Count == 0)
// Uninstall the Publisher, if it exists.
publisher = new DistributionPublisher(publisherName, distributorConn);
if (publisher.LoadProperties())
// Do something here if the Publisher does not exist.
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
"{0} is not a Publisher for {1}.", publisherName, distributorName));
// Drop the distribution database.
if (distributionDb.LoadProperties())
// Do something here if the distribition DB does not exist.
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
"The distribution database '{0}' does not exist on {1}.",
distributionDbName, distributorName));
// Uninstall the Distributor, if it exists.
if (distributor.LoadProperties())
// Passing a value of false means that the Publisher
// and distribution databases must already be uninstalled,
// and that no local databases be enabled for publishing.
//Do something here if the distributor does not exist.
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
"The Distributor '{0}' does not exist.", distributorName));
throw new ApplicationException("You must first delete all subscriptions.");
catch (Exception ex)
// Implement appropriate error handling here.
throw new ApplicationException("The Publisher and Distributor could not be uninstalled", ex);
private void CreateDistributorServer2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void button13_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string publisherName = @"SERVER-002\SQLSERVER2014";
string publicationDbName = "ReplicationDB";
String subscriberName = @"SERVER-001\SQLSERVER2014";
String publicationName = "ReplicationSnapShort";
String subscriptionDbName = "ReplicationDB1";
// Create a connection to the Subscriber.
ServerConnection conn = new ServerConnection(subscriberName);
TransPullSubscription subscription;
// Connect to the Subscriber.
// Define subscription properties.
subscription = new TransPullSubscription();
subscription.ConnectionContext = conn;
subscription.DatabaseName = subscriptionDbName;
subscription.PublisherName = publisherName;
subscription.PublicationDBName = publicationDbName;
subscription.PublicationName = publicationName;
// If the pull subscription and the job exists, mark the subscription
// for reinitialization and start the agent job.
if (subscription.LoadProperties() && subscription.AgentJobId != null)
// Do something here if the subscription does not exist.
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
"A subscription to '{0}' does not exists on {1}",
publicationName, subscriberName));
catch (Exception ex)
// Do appropriate error handling here.
//throw new ApplicationException("The subscription could not be reinitialized.", ex);
MessageBox.Show("Agents are started");
private void button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
时答案 0 :(得分:1)
我看到您正在使用TransPullSubscription类并调用SynchronizeWithJob()方法来同步订阅。正如您所知,SQL Server代理在SQL Server Express中不可用,因此这种方法不起作用。
但是,RMO TransSynchronizationAgent类公开了Synchronize方法,该方法可用于在没有代理作业的情况下同步提取订阅。这包含在How to: Synchronize a Pull Subscription (RMO Programming)。
中从中获取TransSynchronizationAgent类的实例 SynchronizationAgent属性,并调用Synchronize方法。这个 方法同步启动代理,并且控制保持与 运行代理工作。在同步执行期间,您可以处理 代理运行时的状态事件。
如果为CreateSyncAgentByDefault指定了值false( 默认情况下,当您创建了pull订阅时,您还需要 指定Distributor,DistributorSecurityMode和(可选) DistributorLogin和DistributorPassword因为代理作业相关 订阅的元数据不可用于 MSsubscription_properties。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
由于 布兰登威廉姆斯, 我对代码进行了更改,如下所示
` {
TransSynchronizationAgent agent;
// Sync BackgroundWorker
BackgroundWorker syncBackgroundWorker;
public Form1()
lblSubscriptionName.Text = "[" + subscriptionDbName + "] - [" + publisherName + "] - [" + publicationDbName + "]";
lblPublicationName.Text = publicationName;
private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Instantiate a BackgroundWorker, subscribe to its events, and call RunWorkerAsync()
syncBackgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
syncBackgroundWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
syncBackgroundWorker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(syncBackgroundWorker_DoWork);
syncBackgroundWorker.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(syncBackgroundWorker_ProgressChanged);
syncBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(syncBackgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted);
// Disable the start button
btnStart.Enabled = false;
// Initialize the progress bar and status textbox
pbStatus.Value = 0;
tbLastStatusMessage.Text = String.Empty;
pictureBoxStatus.Visible = true;
pictureBoxStatus.Enabled = true;
// Kick off a background operation to synchronize
// This event handler initiates the synchronization
private void syncBackgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
// Connect to the Subscriber and synchronize
// Synchronize
public void SynchronizeMergePullSubscriptionViaRMO()
// Create a connection to the Subscriber.
ServerConnection conn = new ServerConnection(subscriberName);
// Merge pull subscription
TransPullSubscription subscription;
// Connect to the Subscriber.
// Define the pull subscription.
subscription = new TransPullSubscription();
subscription.ConnectionContext = conn;
subscription.DatabaseName = subscriptionDbName;
subscription.PublisherName = publisherName;
subscription.PublicationDBName = publicationDbName;
subscription.PublicationName = publicationName;
// If the pull subscription exists, then start the synchronization.
if (subscription.LoadProperties())
// Get the agent for the subscription.
agent = subscription.SynchronizationAgent;
// Set the required properties that could not be returned
// from the MSsubscription_properties table.
//agent.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Integrated;
agent.DistributorSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Integrated;
agent.Distributor = publisherName;
// Enable verbose merge agent output to file.
agent.OutputVerboseLevel = 4;
agent.Output = "C:\\TEMP\\mergeagent.log";
// Handle the Status event
agent.Status += new AgentCore.StatusEventHandler(agent_Status);
// Synchronously start the Merge Agent for the subscription.
// Do something here if the pull subscription does not exist.
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
"A subscription to '{0}' does not exist on {1}",
publicationName, subscriberName));
catch (Exception ex)
// Implement appropriate error handling here.
throw new ApplicationException("The subscription could not be " +
"synchronized. Verify that the subscription has " +
"been defined correctly.", ex);
// This event handler handles the Status event and reports the agent progress.
public void agent_Status(object sender, StatusEventArgs e)
syncBackgroundWorker.ReportProgress(Convert.ToInt32(e.PercentCompleted), e.Message.ToString());
// This event handler updates the form with agent progress.
private void syncBackgroundWorker_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
// Set the progress bar percent completed
pbStatus.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;
// Append the last agent message
tbLastStatusMessage.Text += e.UserState.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
// Scroll to end
// This event handler deals with the results of the background operation.
private void syncBackgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Cancelled == true)
tbLastStatusMessage.Text += "Canceled!" + Environment.NewLine;
else if (e.Error != null)
tbLastStatusMessage.Text += "Error: " + e.Error.Message + Environment.NewLine;
tbLastStatusMessage.Text += "Done!" + Environment.NewLine;
btnStart.Enabled = true;
pictureBoxStatus.Enabled = false;
private void ScrollToEnd()
// Scroll to end
tbLastStatusMessage.SelectionStart = tbLastStatusMessage.TextLength;
private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)