
时间:2016-03-29 04:39:07

标签: python list for-loop recursion itertools


我正在开展一个项目,我需要比较一组字符串,并保留uniquedistinct的字符串。 Uniqdistinct表示不应该有两个字符串,
A)回文,例如ABA' , 'BCB'
B) Reverse of each other. e.g.
&#39; ABCD&#39; and ' DCBA&#39; C) Same as each other, e.g.&#39; ABC&#39; and&#39; ABC&#39;`< / p>


aList= ['ABC', 'ACB', 'BAC', 'BCA', 'CAB', 'CBA', 'ABC']

通过两个for循环处理它 外循环处理从开始到结束的每个数字,直到End of List -1项被击中 从start + 1项到End of List的内部循环过程。 这样两个循环总是比较两个不同的字符串。

现在,需要使用 Recursions完成此逻辑。




仅当列表中至少有一个项目与属性条件匹配并且被删除时,递归才有效。当saveFound = True时。我使用了另一个变量来跟踪found = True使用from itertools import combinations, permutations """ Process list to generate Unique strings matching given criteria """ def uniqLst(aList): """ Iterate through outer loop to compare each string until End of Loop """ firstItem = 0 lastItem = len(aList) -1 for item1 in aList[firstItem:lastItem:]: saveFound = False print "Starting Next for Loop : Loop Length", len(aList) #Debug Data print "input List=", aList #Debug Data for item2 in aList[firstItem + 1:lastItem + 1:]: #Compare first item with next print "Comparing item1, item2 =", item1 , item2 #Debug Data """ Check if second string is reverse / palindrome or same """ if item1[::-1] == item2 or item1 == item2: found = True saveFound = True print "Removing", item2 #Debug Data aList.remove(item2) # Remove second item matching criteria else: found = False """One iteration cycle is complete""" if saveFound == True: print "Starting Next Iteration" #Debug Data uniqLst(aList) #Force load of new aList #External loop is complete exit Function return aList """ Main Function """ if __name__== "__main__": tmpLst1 = ["".join(x) for x in permutations('ABC', 3)] tmpLst2 = ["".join(x) for x in combinations('ABC', 3)] checkStrLst = tmpLst1 + tmpLst2 finalList = uniqLst(checkStrLst) print "========================" print "finalList", finalList 的部分查找,但是还没有让它工作。



我已经添加了额外的打印语句(以#debug 结尾)以查看正在替换的项目。 我需要知道如何在程序中使用递归函数来修复当第一项没有重复时的情况。该程序正在进行自我比较并从列表中删除自己。 对于这种情况看起来它没有达到外循环。 任何输入/修复都表示赞赏。


Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 10 2014, 12:24:55) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
Starting Next for Loop : Loop Length 7
input List= ['ABC', 'ACB', 'BAC', 'BCA', 'CAB', 'CBA', 'ABC']
Comparing item1, item2 = ABC ACB
Comparing item1, item2 = ABC BAC
Comparing item1, item2 = ABC BCA
Comparing item1, item2 = ABC CAB
Comparing item1, item2 = ABC CBA
Removing CBA
Comparing item1, item2 = ABC ABC
Removing ABC
Starting Next Iteration
Starting Next for Loop : Loop Length 5
input List= ['ACB', 'BAC', 'BCA', 'CAB', 'ABC']
Comparing item1, item2 = ACB BAC
Comparing item1, item2 = ACB BCA
Removing BCA
Comparing item1, item2 = ACB CAB
Comparing item1, item2 = ACB ABC
Starting Next Iteration
Starting Next for Loop : Loop Length 4
input List= ['ACB', 'BAC', 'CAB', 'ABC']
Comparing item1, item2 = ACB BAC
Comparing item1, item2 = ACB CAB
Comparing item1, item2 = ACB ABC
Starting Next for Loop : Loop Length 4
input List= ['ACB', 'BAC', 'CAB', 'ABC']
Comparing item1, item2 = BAC BAC
Removing BAC
Comparing item1, item2 = BAC CAB
Removing CAB
Comparing item1, item2 = BAC ABC
Starting Next Iteration
Starting Next for Loop : Loop Length 2
input List= ['ACB', 'ABC']
Comparing item1, item2 = ACB ABC
Starting Next for Loop : Loop Length 2
input List= ['ACB', 'ABC']
Comparing item1, item2 = CAB ABC
Starting Next for Loop : Loop Length 2
input List= ['ACB', 'ABC']
Comparing item1, item2 = BAC ABC
Starting Next for Loop : Loop Length 2
input List= ['ACB', 'ABC']
Comparing item1, item2 = BCA ABC
Starting Next for Loop : Loop Length 2
input List= ['ACB', 'ABC']
Comparing item1, item2 = CAB ABC
Starting Next for Loop : Loop Length 2
input List= ['ACB', 'ABC']
Comparing item1, item2 = ACB ABC
Starting Next for Loop : Loop Length 2
input List= ['ACB', 'ABC']
Comparing item1, item2 = BAC ABC
Starting Next for Loop : Loop Length 2
input List= ['ACB', 'ABC']
Comparing item1, item2 = BCA ABC
Starting Next for Loop : Loop Length 2
input List= ['ACB', 'ABC']
Comparing item1, item2 = CAB ABC
Starting Next for Loop : Loop Length 2
input List= ['ACB', 'ABC']
Comparing item1, item2 = CBA ABC
Removing ABC
Starting Next Iteration
finalList ['ACB']



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


from itertools import combinations, permutations

""" Process list to generate Unique strings matching given criteria """
def uniqLst(aList, finalList):

    """ Iterate through outer loop to compare each string until End of Loop """

    # Terminate if length is 0
    if(len(aList) == 0):

    # Initialize local values
    found = False
    item1 = aList[0];

    # Go through list and compare with first item
    for item2 in aList[1:len(aList)]:

        """ Check if second string is reverse / palindrome or same """
        if item1[::-1] == item2 or item1 == item2:
            found = True
            print "Removing", item2 #Debug Data
            aList.remove(item2) # Remove second item matching criteria

    # If no item matches, add first item to final list
    if found != True:
        temp = aList.pop(0)

        # Recursively call this function with updated aList
    uniqLst(aList, finalList)


""" Main Function """
if __name__== "__main__":

    tmpLst1 = ["".join(x) for x in permutations('ABC', 3)]
    tmpLst2 = ["".join(x) for x in combinations('ABC', 3)]

    checkStrLst = tmpLst1 + tmpLst2

    finalList = []
    uniqLst(checkStrLst, finalList)
    print "========================"
    print "finalList", finalList

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