为给定范围c ++生成多个混洗整数文件

时间:2016-03-27 14:36:12

标签: c++ random file-io


// random_shuffle example
#include <iostream>     // std::cout
#include <algorithm>    // std::random_shuffle
#include <vector>       // std::vector
#include <ctime>        // std::time
#include <cstdlib>      // std::rand, std::srand
#include <fstream>

// random generator function:
int myrandom (int i) { return std::rand()%i;}

int main(){
   std::srand ( unsigned ( std::time(0) ) );
   std::vector<int> myvector2;
// For creating 10 different shuffled files
   for(int j=0;j<10;j++){
// set some values:
      for (int i=1; i<=10000; ++i) myvector2.push_back(i);

// using built-in random generator:
      std::random_shuffle ( myvector2.begin(), myvector2.end() );

// using myrandom:
      std::random_shuffle ( myvector2.begin(), myvector2.end(), myrandom);

// print out content:
       std::cout << "Data Shuffled:";
// put content in out file
      std::ofstream f2("out.txt");
       for (std::vector<int>::iterator it=myvector2.begin(); it!=myvector2.end(); ++it)
       f2<< *it <<'\n';
return 0;

文件&#39; out.txt&#39;得到覆盖,我最终只有一个文件。如何创建多个文件,每个文件中有不同的混洗整数集?


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

每次std :: ofstream f2时都使用相同的文件名(&#34; out.txt&#34;);



std::ostringstream stringStream;
stringStream << "out"<<j<<".txt";
std::string fileName= stringStream.str();

答案 1 :(得分:0)


评论是内联的。此代码使用了一些c ++ 14功能。



// generate a vector of all integers in the set Is...
auto initial_vector(std::integer_sequence<int, Is...>)
    return std::vector<int>({ Is... });

// defering to template expansion function allows the compiler to populate the vector from a compile-time
// computed data table. Totally unnecessary, but I find it pleasing.
auto initial_vector()
    return initial_vector(std::make_integer_sequence<int, 10000>());

int main()
    auto eng = std::default_random_engine(std::random_device{}());

    // make our initial vector
    auto data = initial_vector();

    // for each data set...
    for (int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; ++i)
        // shuffe the data...
        std::shuffle(std::begin(data), std::end(data), eng);

        // create a filename from th index of the data set
        auto strm = std::ofstream("data" + std::to_string(i) + ".txt");

        // copy the data-set to the file, encoded as newline-delimited strings representing decimal integers
        std::copy(std::begin(data), std::end(data), std::ostream_iterator<int>(strm, "\n"));