答案 0 :(得分:1)
在非常宽松的术语中,一致性至关重要的财务应用程序将是不适合NoSQL的示例 - 在这种情况下,ACID是至关重要的...... BASE不适合(基本可用的软状态最终一致)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
1. We need to ensure ACID compliance. For Huge enterprise applications like eCommerce or Banking applications it is a preferred option.
2. When Data is consistent.
1. Want to store large volumes of data that has very little structure or no structure.
2. Rapid development
3. Horizontal scaling possible ie. your database can split across multiple servers.
“例如:对于Id = 123,值=
""name"":""Lalith Swarna"",
""street"":""Gachibowli Road"",
1. Insert/Retrieval : simple key based w/o any joins Schema is easily
2. Built for scaling: data is partitioned internally Built for metrics/analytics/aggregation : Eg Average age, total sal etc
1. NOT built for updates(ACID-AtomicityConsistency) is not followed to update it does Delete and update.
2. Read times are lower than Sql eg: retrieve Age 30 takes all the json and filters the age.
3. Foreign key constraint not straighforward.
4. Joins are hard, have to run through everyblock of data find the relevant dataid then join with other table.