
时间:2016-03-26 00:06:37

标签: python database sqlite

对于下面代码中的每个循环,INSERT INTO将指定的值插入到新行中的正确列BUT中:

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('testtable.sqlite3')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.executescript(''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Tracks;
                      CREATE TABLE Tracks (id, singer, song)''')

lst = ['id', 'singer', 'song']

for i in range(len(lst)):
    print 'Enter a value for column', lst[i]
    insdata = raw_input('>>> ')
    cur.execute('''INSERT INTO Tracks ({col}) VALUES (?)'''\
    .format(col=lst[i]), (insdata, ))

问题:我怎样才能告诉SQLite 不要更改每个循环中的行并一次填充一行表?

注意:我不想在我的代码中明确引用所有列名称(例如,INSERT INTO表(所有列)),因为在我的练习脚本中我让用户输入他们的姓名和总人数。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


如果不清楚:在没有创建新行的情况下,您无法告诉SQLite INSERT ...INSERT始终会创建一个新行。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('testdb.sqlite3')
cur = conn.cursor()

lst = ['id', 'singer', 'song'] # let's assume that through prompts, user has 
                               # previously added these values and the
                               # script put them in this list.

cur.executescript('''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Tracks;
                     CREATE TABLE Tracks (id, singer, song)''')

def populate_tb():
    print 'Insert  value for column: ', lst[0] 
    inp = raw_input('>>> ') # user types the value for the first column (in 
                            # this example, id column)
    cur.execute('INSERT INTO Tracks ({col}) VALUES (?)'\
.format(col=lst[0]), (inp,))
                       # the value is inserted to id column.
    if len(lst)-1 > 1: # meaning, continue iff user created a table with 
                       # more than one column. I subtract one because lst[0] 
                       # item has already been assigned a value above with 
                       # the INSERT.
        for i in range(len(lst)-1): # I run a loop for the remaining list 
                                    # items (singer, song columns)
            print 'Insert value for column: ', lst[i+1]
            inps = raw_input('>>> ')
            cur.execute('UPDATE Tracks SET {col} = (?) WHERE id = (?)'\
.format(col=lst[i+1]), (inps,inp))
            # And here is the solution. I just UPDATE the newly created row so 
            # I get what I want: user is prompted to populate a table, 'cell 
            # by cell', horizontally, without changing line as it was 
            # happening with my initial code in the top. Instead of 
            # declaring explicitly which columns to populate (which is 
            # impossible in my scenario since the user is prompted 
            # dynamically to create the columns), I use only one column 
            # reference which varies according to the loop counter that 
            # traverses list's items.


所以我最初的问题(根据我们的上下文):如何告诉SQLite不要在每个循环中更改行并一次填充一行表?已回答您可以告诉' SQLite,您只是插入第一个值,然后更新此行中的其余空单元格。