rem GetInput
if "%result%"=="cd *" goto Cd
if "%result%"=="cd meow" Echo Going to directory 'meow'...
但是这段代码不适用于" cd *"脚本不要去:如果字符串%result%以字母cd开头,则为Cd。 不知道我现在是否真的可以理解但是会喜欢一些帮助x)
- 方
答案 0 :(得分:3)
的值是否以' cd'开头,并且您使用{{1}时未成功}作为通配符来确定这一点。
有几种不同的方法可以解决这个问题。这是一种方法:您可以检查前两个字符是否等于' cd':
if /i "%result:~0,2%"=="cd" goto Cd
答案 1 :(得分:0)
@echo off
set string1=abc123123
set checker1=abc
call :startsWith %string1% %checker1%
if %errorlevel% equ 1 (
echo %string1% starts with %checker1%
) else (
echo %string1% does NOT start with %checker1%
set string2=xyz123123 abc
call :startsWith %string2% %checker2%
if %errorlevel% equ 1 (
echo %string2% starts with %checker2%
) else (
echo %string2% does NOT start with %checker2%
exit /b 0
:::----- subroutine starts here ----::::
:startsWith [%1 - string to be checked;%2 - string for checking ]
@echo off
rem :: sets errorlevel to 1 if %1 starts with %2 else sets errorlevel to 0
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "string=%~1"
set "checker=%~2"
rem set "var=!string:%~2=&echo.!"
set LF=^
rem ** Two empty lines are required
rem echo off
for %%L in ("!LF!") DO (
for /f "delims=" %%R in ("!checker!") do (
rem set "var=!string:%%~R%%~R=%%~L!"
set "var=!string:%%~R=#%%L!"
for /f "delims=" %%P in (""!var!"") DO (
if "%%~P" EQU "#" (
endlocal & exit /b 1
) else (
endlocal & exit /b 0