如何在Spark 1.5中转置数据帧(没有可用的枢轴运算符)?

时间:2016-03-25 07:26:52

标签: scala apache-spark apache-spark-sql apache-spark-1.5

我想使用没有Pivot功能的spark scala转换下表

我使用Spark 1.5.1并且在1.5.1中不支持Pivot功能。请建议适当的方法转换下表:

Customer Day   Sales
1        Mon    12
1        Tue    10
1        Thu    15
1        Fri     2
2        Sun    10
2        Wed     5
2        Thu     4
2        Fri     3


Customer Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
   1      0   12  10   0  15  2
   2     10    0   0   5  4   3

以下代码无效,因为我使用的是Spark 1.5.1,并且可以从Spark 1.6获得数据透视功能:

    var Trans = Cust_Sales.groupBy("Customer").Pivot("Day").sum("Sales")

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


// get distinct days from data (this assumes there are not too many of them):
val days: Array[String] = df.select("Day")

// add column for each day with the Sale value if days match:
val withDayColumns = days.foldLeft(df) { 
    case (data, day) => data.selectExpr("*", s"IF(Day = '$day', Sales, 0) AS $day")

// wrap it up 
val result = withDayColumns
   .sum(days: _*)



|       1|      10|      15|       0|       2|      12|       0|
|       2|       0|       4|      10|       3|       0|       5|


答案 1 :(得分:0)

如果你正在使用python下面的代码可能会有所帮助。假设您要转置spark DataFrame df:

pandas_df = df.toPandas().transpose().reset_index()
transposed_df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(pandas_df)

答案 2 :(得分:0)

考虑一个有6列的数据框,我们希望按前4列分组并在col5上进行聚合,同时在col6上聚合(比如它上面的总和)。 因此,假设你不能使用spark 1.6版本,那么下面的代码可以写成(在spark 1.5中):

val pivotedDf = df_to_pivot


import scala.collection.SortedMap

//Extracting the col5 distinct values to create the new columns
val distinctCol5Values = df_to_pivot
    .sort(col5)  // ensure that the output columns are in a consistent logical order

//Grouping by the data frame to be pivoted on col1-col4
val pivotedAgg = df_to_pivot.rdd

//Initializing a List of tuple of (String, double values) to be filled in the columns that will be created
val pivotColListTuple = distinctCol5Values.map(ft=> (ft,0.0))
// Using Sorted Map to ensure the order is maintained
var distinctCol5ValuesListMap = SortedMap(pivotColListTuple : _*)
//Pivoting the data on col5 by opening the grouped data
val pivotedRDD = pivotedAgg.map{groupedRow=>
    distinctCol5ValuesListMap = distinctCol5ValuesListMap.map(ft=> (ft._1,0.0))
//Updating the distinctCol5ValuesListMap values to reflect the changes
//Change this part accordingly to what you want
       distinctCol5ValuesListMap = distinctCol5ValuesListMap.updated(row.getString(col5Index),
    Row.fromSeq(Seq(groupedRow._1._1,groupedRow._1._2,groupedRow._1._3,groupedRow._1._4) ++ distinctCol5ValuesListMap.values.toSeq)

//Consructing the structFields for new columns
val colTypesStruct = distinctCol5ValuesListMap.map(colName=>StructField(colName._1,DoubleType))
//Adding the first four column structFields with the new columns struct
val opStructType = StructType(Seq(StructField(col1Name,StringType),
                                     StructField(col4Name,StringType)) ++ colTypesStruct )

//Creating the final data frame
val pivotedDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame(pivotedRDD,opStructType)