
时间:2016-03-24 17:46:04

标签: java encryption filereader filewriter

基本上我需要从用户指定的文件中读取文本,然后通过将其转换为ASCII值来加密它。 (我知道它的弱加密就是这个任务)。加密工作正常,用户想要创建的用于存储加密值的文件正在运行,但我不知道为什么它不读取文件中的文本并加密它。因此,存储加密文本的文件为空。

我认为代码中的问题介于两者之间 FileWriter writer = null;

e.printStackTrace();             }


......但我不知道它在哪里。当它工作时,它应该读取文件的内容," fileUse",将内容存储为字符串,然后使用关键字加密它。然后应该将加密的值存储在新创建的文件中,用户指定了哪个是fileWriteto

    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*; 
    import java.io.FileReader;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.BufferedWriter;
    import java.io.FileWriter;
        public class finalfinal4
            public static void main(String [] args) {// Method Created to handle exceptions when entering encrypt, decrypt, bye etc
                System.out.println(""); // Nice Formatting
                System.out.println("This is a programme that replicates the mechanics of keyword based encryption/decryption machine and encrypts or decrypts a message accordingly"); // Message Informing User what This Programme Does
                start(); // Allows the Whole Process to Move on by going to the next and final method

    public static void start() {
        Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in); // takes in User Input
        System.out.println("Please type in 'encrypt' if you want to encrypt a message"); // Tells the user what to do
        System.out.println("'decrypt' if you want to 'decrypt' a message");
        System.out.println("'bye' if you want to exit the programme");
        String firstchoice = input.nextLine().toLowerCase(); // turns all of what the user entered into lower case

        //int line = ' ';
        switch(firstchoice) // case statement
        { case "encrypt":
            //System.out.println(" Please enter the string you wish to encrypt"); // what it does if case encrypt is activate

            case "decrypt":
            //System.out.println("Please enter the string you wish to decrypt");

            case "bye":

            System.out.println(" Thank you for using this programme ");

            default: // the default set of actions that will occur if none of the other cases have been met

            System.out.println("You did not type in the required messages please try again");



      FileWriter writer = null;
      String rm ="";
        try {
            System.out.println("Enter the file you want to use");
            String fileUse = input.nextLine();
            System.out.println("Enter the file you want to write to");
            String fileWriteto = input.nextLine();
            //PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileWriteTo + ".txt");
            File file = new File(fileWriteto + ".txt");
            FileReader read = new FileReader(fileUse + ".txt");
            BufferedReader bufreader = new BufferedReader(read);
            writer = new FileWriter(fileWriteto + ".txt");
            /*FileReader freader = new FileReader(fileUse + ".txt");
            BufferedReader breader = new BufferedReader(freader);*/
            String line;
            while ((line = bufreader.readLine()) != null) {
                rm = line;
        }catch (IOException e) {
            //found on stack overflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19871955/java-io-filenotfoundexception-the-system-cannot-find-the-file-specified
            //found whole example on http://www.codejava.net/java-se/file-io/how-to-read-and-write-text-file-in-java

        System.out.println("Enter the message that you wish to " + firstchoice); // Efficient way of prompting the user
        boolean keywordcheck = false;
        boolean keywordcheck2 = false;// sets a boolean up for use
        String keyword = "";
        String keyword2 = "";// declares variables outside the for loop so that they can be used outside the for loop
        int keySize = keyword.length();
        int keySize2 = keyword.length();// creates a variable that is the length of the keyword 
        while(keywordcheck == false)
            int kc = 0; 
            System.out.println(" Please Enter Your Keyword. The Keyword should only contain text"); //prompt
            keyword = input.nextLine(); //scanner to take in the keyword
            for (int numcheck = 0; numcheck < keyword.length(); numcheck++)
                if (Character.isLetter(keyword.charAt(numcheck))) // the function of the following if loop is to prevent the keyword from being anything other than letters or characters
                    kc = kc + 1; //if the character in the keyword is a letter, add 1

                else if (Character.isDigit(keyword.charAt(numcheck)))
                    kc = kc + 1; // the sam but for numbers
                    // if neither a letter or a number, do nothing
            if (kc == keyword.length()) //if all the characters in the keyword were numbers or letter than kc will equal the length of the keyword and the code wil get out of the for loop
                keywordcheck = true;
                System.out.println("You typed in numbers, special characters or entered a space in your keyword Please only enter text without spaces");

                // if the haven't entered only numbers and letters than it will force them to re-enter the keyword

        while(keywordcheck2 == false)
            int kc2 = 0; 
            System.out.println(" Please Enter Your Keyword. The Keyword should only contain text"); //prompt
            keyword2 = input.nextLine(); //scanner to take in the keyword
            for (int numcheck2 = 0; numcheck2 < keyword2.length(); numcheck2++)
                if (Character.isLetter(keyword2.charAt(numcheck2))) // the function of the following if loop is to prevent the keyword from being anything other than letters or characters
                    kc2 = kc2 + 1; //if the character in the keyword is a letter, add 1

                else if (Character.isDigit(keyword2.charAt(numcheck2)))
                    kc2 = kc2 + 1; // the same but for numbers
                    // if neither a letter or a number, do nothing
            if (kc2 == keyword2.length()) //if all the characters in the keyword were numbers or letter than kc will equal the length of the keyword and the code wil get out of the for loop
                keywordcheck2 = true;
                System.out.println("You typed in numbers, special characters or entered a space in your keyword Please only enter text without spaces");

                // if the haven't entered only numbers and letters than it will force them to re-enter the keyword
        String out1 = "";
        char space = ' ';
        //int encryption = 0;    
        for (int counter5 = 0, j = 0; counter5 < rm.length(); counter5++, j++)
            keyword = keyword + keyword.charAt(counter5); // loops it over the keyword
        for (int counter6 = 0, j = 0; counter6 < rm.length(); counter6++, j++)
            keyword2 = keyword2 + keyword2.charAt(counter6); // loops it over the keyword

        if (firstchoice.equals("encrypt"))
            System.out.println("Encrypted - ");
            System.out.print(" Decrypted - ");

        int ascimessage = ' ';
        int encrypted = ' ';

        for (int t = 0, y = 0, z = 0; t < rm.length(); t++, y++, z++) {
            ascimessage = rm.charAt(t);
            int ascikeyword = keyword.charAt(y);
            int ascikeyword2 = keyword2.charAt(z);
            if (Character.isUpperCase(ascikeyword)) //char values are interchangeable with ascii values


                ascikeyword = ascikeyword - 64;


            else if (Character.isLowerCase(ascikeyword))


                ascikeyword = ascikeyword - 96;


            else if(Character.isDigit(ascikeyword))
                ascikeyword = ascikeyword - 48;

            if (Character.isUpperCase(ascikeyword2)) //char values are interchangeable with ascii values


                ascikeyword2 = ascikeyword2 - 64;


            else if (Character.isLowerCase(ascikeyword2))


                ascikeyword2 = ascikeyword2 - 96;


            else if(Character.isDigit(ascikeyword2))
                ascikeyword2 = ascikeyword2 - 48;

            //file writer file reader
            if (firstchoice.equals("encrypt")){
            encrypted = ascimessage + ascikeyword + ascikeyword2;
            else {encrypted = ascimessage - ascikeyword - ascikeyword2;
            if (encrypted >= 122)
                encrypted = encrypted - 90;
            if (encrypted <= 32)
                encrypted = encrypted + 90;

            try {
                writer.write(encrypted);//for write up wasn';t working so i did
            }catch(IOException e){
            //out1 = out1 + ((char)encrypted);



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