
时间:2016-03-24 16:28:45

标签: vba visual-studio


Ouput Screen. IT is supposed to show the total for the chairs and sofas plus separate tax and a grand total

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub btnProcess_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnProcess.Click

        Dim chairQuant, sofaQuant, chair, sofa, price, total, tax As Double
        Dim name, address, zip As String

        If Not DataOk() Then
            Dim msg As String = " Please make sure all data is entered correctly."
             InputData(chair, sofa, name, address, zip)
             TotalCost(price, total, tax, chairQuant, sofaQuant)
             ShowInvoice(name, address, zip, chairQuant, sofaQuant, price, tax, total)
        End If
    End Sub

    Function DataOk() As Boolean
        If (txtName.Text = "") Or (txtAddress.Text = "") Or (txtCity.Text = "") Or
            (Not IsNumeric(txtChairs.Text)) Or (Not IsNumeric(txtSofas.Text)) Then
            Return False
            Return True
        End If
    End Function

    Sub InputData(ByRef chairQuant As Double, ByRef sofaQuant As Double, ByRef name As String,
                  ByRef address As String, ByRef Zip As String)

        chairQuant = CDbl(txtChairs.Text)
        sofaQuant = CDbl(txtSofas.Text)
        name = txtName.Text
        address = txtAddress.Text
        Zip = txtCity.Text

    End Sub

    Sub TotalCost(ByRef price As Double, ByRef total As Double, ByRef tax As Double, chairQuant As Double,
               sofaQuant As Double)
        Dim chair As Double = (chairQuant) * (350)
        Dim sofa As Double = (sofaQuant) * (925)

        price = (chair + sofa)
        tax = (chair + sofa) * (0.05)
        total = (chair + sofa) * (1.05)
    End Sub
    Sub ShowInvoice(name As String, address As String, zip As String,
                 chairQuant As Double, sofaQuant As Double, price As Double,
                 tax As Double, total As Double)

        lstOutput.Items.Add("Name: " & name)
        lstOutput.Items.Add("Address: " & address)
        lstOutput.Items.Add("City: " & zip)
        lstOutput.Items.Add(" ")
        lstOutput.Items.Add("Number of chairs: " & txtChairs.Text)
        lstOutput.Items.Add("Number of sofas: " & txtSofas.Text)
        lstOutput.Items.Add(" ")
        lstOutput.Items.Add(" Price: " & price.ToString("C2"))
        lstOutput.Items.Add("Sales Tax: " & tax.ToString("C2"))
        lstOutput.Items.Add(" ")
        lstOutput.Items.Add("Total Price: " & total.ToString("C2"))

    End Sub

End Class

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