我想使用正则表达式作为搜索模式和模板来构造字符串。 (我正在使用boost :: regex因为我在gcc 4.8.4上显然没有完全支持regex(直到4.9)):
正则表达式:“file _。* \ .txt” 匹配“file_1.txt”,“file_2.txt”等内容。 然后想从中构建 输出:“file_all.txt”
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
std::string constructOutput(const boost::regex& myRegex)
// How to replace the match to the center of the filenames here?
// return boost::regex_replace(?, myRegex, "all");
int main()
// We can do something like this, but it requires us to manually separate the "center" of the regex from the string, as well as keep around a string object and a regex object:
// std::string myText = "File_.*.txt";
// boost::regex myRegex("_.*\\.");
// std::cout << '\n' << boost::regex_replace(myText, myRegex, "_all.") << '\n';
// Want to do this:
boost::regex myRegex("File_.*\\.txt");
std::string outputString = constructOutput(myRegex);
std::cout << outputString << std::endl;