select sum(round(a.Amount * e.average_rate / f.average_rate, 2)) as earningTotal ,
sum(d.interest_payment) as interestTotal,
sum(d.interest_paid) as NetInterest,
a.*, c.symbol, c.Abbreviation, d.*
from investment a
inner join money_offer b
on a.ORIG_ID = b.investment_orig_id and b.UPDATE_DT is null
inner join payment_plan d
on d.offer_orig_id = b.ORIG_ID and d.UPDATE_DT is null
inner join currency c
on d.currency = c.ID
inner join exchange_rates e
on e.currency_id = a.Currency
inner join exchange_rates f
on f.currency_id = a.Currency
where a.Owner = 518 and
a.UPDATE_DT is null;