MKMapView setCenterCoordinate:不在视图中居中坐标

时间:2016-03-23 21:32:30

标签: ios mapkit

我试图在选择时将MKMapView置于注释的坐标上 mapView.setCenterCoordinate(annotation.coordinate, animated: true)

然而,地图反而(并且始终如一)将注释大约100px垂直偏离中心。 enter image description here

mapView(mapView: MKMapView, regionDidChangeAnimated animated: Bool)我正在做一些调试日志来说明问题。


The coordinate I'm attempting to center on.


The map's bounds (this is the expected value).
  (lldb)po mapView.bounds   (origin =(x = 0,y = 0),size =(width = 375,height = 503))


The map's center (this is the expected value, i.e. the map isn't bigger than expected).
  (lldb)po   (x = 187.5,y = 251.5)


The maps center coordinate (also expected).
  (lldb)po mapView.centerCoordinate   (纬度= 40.719752499999998,经度= -73.98960550000001)


Ask the map to convert it's center coordinate to view points (NOT the expected value).
  (lldb)po mapView.convertCoordinate(mapView.centerCoordinate,toPointToView:mapView)   (x = 187.5,y = 358.49999999998431)


Ask the map to convert it's bounds center to map coordinates (this matches what is displayed).
  (lldb)po mapView.convertPoint(,toCoordinateFromView:mapView)   (纬度= 40.747910796601502,经度= -73.98960550000001)


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