stuff = codecs.open("/Users/user/Desktop/ngrms/Nonsrcstic.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8")
word_list = stuff.readlines()
[x.encode('utf-8') for x in word_list]
f = open('english')
stops = f.read()
for line in word_list:
for w in line.split('\n'):
if w.lower() not in stops:
with open("nostops_Nonsrcstic.txt", "a") as tweetsNoStops:
tweetsNoStops.write(w.encode('utf-8') + " ")
Baby boomers are now at the age where "work or retire" is frequently considered choice.
There's a few people I miss but the truth of the matter is, my name probably hasn't crossed their minds or they don't give a shit about me
What you must remember is, I do yarn shows with the help of a Fiat Panda and Tatiana, the trailer, which is small #itfitsbehindaPanda
@BetBright The AP boost won't work lads says try again later is there a problem with the site?
Baby boomers age "work retire" frequently considered choice. There's people miss truth matter is, name probably hasn't crossed minds don't give shit must remember is, yarn shows help Fiat Panda Tatiana, trailer, small #itfitsbehindaPanda @BetBright AP boost won't work lads says try later problem site?