读取ppm p6图像完成的问题。 C ++

时间:2016-03-23 15:42:29

标签: c++ ppm

int main(){
  std::fstream myfile; // file object is created
  myfile.open ("green.ppm");
  std::string line;   

  unsigned red,green,blue;  //to output values on 0 -255 scale.
  int width, height = 0;
  if (myfile.is_open())
       std::getline (myfile,line);       //type of file, skip, it will always be for this code p6
       std::getline (myfile,line);       // width and height of the image
       std::stringstream  lineStream(line); //extract the width and height;
       lineStream >> width;
       lineStream >> height;
      //  std::cout<< width << " " << height <<" \n";
       getline (myfile,line);             //skip magic number
       getline (myfile,line);             // reach the matrix of numbers
          for (int  i = 0; i<(width*height*3) ; i= i+3){
         char num = line[i];  uint8_t number = num; red = number;
          num = line[i+1];   number = num; green = number;
          num = line[i+2];   number = num; blue = number;
         std::cout<<"pixel " << i/3 << " is " << red << " " << green << " " << blue << std::endl;

//char to uint_8t to unsigned is a basic an inefficient way I found that takes the pixel rgb values in my ppm file and allows me to interpret them from a range of  0-255


  // cout<<counter<<endl;
  return 0;

当我在不同的ppm图像上运行此代码时,它实际上确实正确地提取了rgb值,但问题是它没有完全完成。基本的800 x 800图像有640000像素,此代码读取大约40800,然后结束,好像它已经不再存在。

我认为这是因为对ppm格式本身的误解。我认为除了标题格式之外,它是具有类型,宽度和大小以及幻数的文件,只有一行,而且不再有&#39; \ n&#39;字符。因此,矩阵可以被读作连续的字符阵列。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我对C ++并不擅长,但我会尝试解释这里的错误。

如果文件类型为p6,则图像数据以字节格式存储,每个颜色分量一个字节(r,g,b)。从您代码中的注释中,您似乎总是期望p6。这意味着矩阵将像您假设的那样存储为一个连续的数据块。其他选项是p3,它以ASCII格式存储颜色分量(例如0 0 0)。

问题是在p6类型文件中,数据块是二进制的,您将其视为字符串。考虑一下,r,g,b =(65,13,​​10)的像素将以二进制编码,如下所示:

0x41, 0xD, 0xA



getline (myfile,line);             // reach the matrix of numbers


int bufsz = 3*width*height;
char* pixelData = new char[bufsz];

for ( int i = 0; i < bufsz; i+=3 ) {
  unsigned char red = pixelData[i];
  unsigned char green = pixelData[i+1];
  unsigned char blue = pixelData[i+2];
  // use unsigned char to express range [0,255],
  // this may make compiler to issue warnings
  // but it should be safe to do a cast 

// don't forget to release pixelData when done with it,
// maybe use smart pointers
delete[] pixelData;



  1. Netpbm format
  2. basic_istream::read