我在我的应用程序中使用PayTm SDK。我在设置时遇到上述错误。
mc.checksumGenerationURL = @"My URL";
mc.checksumValidationURL = @"My URL ";
//我在这里通过我的服务器Urls //步骤3:使用您要添加的任何参数创建订单。但请确保包含商家强制性参数
NSMutableDictionary *orderDict = [NSMutableDictionary new];
//Merchant configuration in the order object
orderDict[@"MID"] = @""; //Passes my Id
orderDict[@"CHANNEL_ID"] = @"WAP";
orderDict[@"INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID"] = @"Retail";
orderDict[@"WEBSITE"] = @""; Passed my website
//Order configuration in the order object
orderDict[@"CUST_ID"] = @"123456";
orderDict[@"ORDER_ID"] = [ViewController generateOrderIDWithPrefix:@""];
orderDict[@"TXN_AMOUNT"] = @"1";
orderDict[@"REQUEST_TYPE"] = @"DEFAULT";
PGOrder *order = [PGOrder orderWithParams:orderDict];
//Step 4: Choose the PG server. In your production build dont call selectServerDialog. Just create a instance of the
//PGTransactionViewController and set the serverType to eServerTypeProduction
PGTransactionViewController *txnController = [[PGTransactionViewController alloc] initTransactionForOrder:order];
txnController.serverType =eServerTypeStaging ;
// txnController.loggingEnabled = YES;
// txnController.sendAllChecksumResponseParamsToPG = YES;
txnController.merchant = mc;
txnController.delegate = self;
[self showController:txnController];
请帮帮我.. 谢谢......