
时间:2016-03-22 20:31:33

标签: vba excel-vba excel-2010 user-defined-functions udf




  • 我有一个非常大的列表(接近2000行)的原始数据。此列表中的每个单元格可以包含任何内容(空白),0或6位数字(243300,143356等)或同一单元格中的多个6位数字,以空格分隔。


  1. 删除所有空白单元格
  2. 如果适用,单独包含多个值的单元格
  3. 删除重复值
  4. 按字母数字排序剩余值
  5. 将结果列表放在" Main"工作表,用于向用户提供干净的演示文稿。
  6. 解决方案无法修改原始列表中的值(这就是为什么我有"中级"工作表) 它也需要自动完成,所以没有宏。


        =IFERROR(INDEX(Raw!$G$2:$G$5000, MATCH(0, COUNTIF(Intermediate!$F$2:$F2, Raw!$G$2:$G$5000), 0)),"")

    它给了我一个没有空格的列表,没有重复,但没有排序,没有多值单元格分割; 或

        Public Function Blah(ParamArray args()) As String
    Dim uniqueParts As Collection
    Dim area As Range
    Dim arg, arr, ele, part
    Dim i As Long
    Set uniqueParts = New Collection
    'Enumerate through the arguments passed to this function
    For Each arg In args
        If TypeOf arg Is Range Then 'range so we need to enumerate its .Areas
            For Each area In arg.Areas
            arr = area.Value 'for large ranges it is greatly quicker to load the data at once rather than enumerating each cell in turn
                For Each ele In arr 'enumerate the array
                     addParts CStr(ele), uniqueParts 'Call our sub to parse the data
                Next ele
            Next area
        ElseIf VarType(arg) > vbArray Then 'an array has been passed in
            For Each ele In arg 'enumerate the array
                addParts CStr(ele), uniqueParts 'Call our sub to parse the data
            Next ele
        Else 'assume can be validly converted to a string. If it cannot then it will fail fast (as intended)
            addParts CStr(arg), uniqueParts 'Call our sub to parse the data
        End If
    Next arg
    'process our results
    If uniqueParts.Count > 0 Then
        ReDim arr(0 To uniqueParts.Count - 1)
        For i = 1 To uniqueParts.Count
            arr(i - 1) = uniqueParts(i)
        Next i
        'we now have an array of the unique parts, which we glue together using the Join function, and then return it
        Blah = Join(arr, ",")
    End If
    End Function
    'Sub to parse the data. In this case the sub splits the string and adds the split elements to a collection, ignoring duplicates
    Private Sub addParts(partsString As String, ByRef outputC As Collection)
    'ByRef is unecessary but I use it to document that outputC must be instantiated
        Dim part
        For Each part In Split(partsString, ",")
            On Error Resume Next 'existing same key will raise an error, so we skip it and just carry on
            outputC.Add part, part
            On Error GoTo 0
        Next part
    End Sub

    不幸的是,当谈到UDF和VBA时,我是一个菜鸟,所以我甚至无法弄清楚如何更改UDF,以便将其导出到一系列行而不是合并结果。 (我知道"加入"最后部分,但我不知道该替换它的内容)




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Sub PerformTask()
    Dim oSel As Range
    Dim oWS As Worksheet
    Dim iCol As Integer
    Dim iMax As Integer

    iMax = 10

    'Copy original sheet
    Set oWS = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1)
    oWS.Copy after:=oWS

    ' get the new worksheet
    Set oWS = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(oWS.Index + 1)

    'sort column to remove blanks
    SortColumn oWS, 1

    Set oSel = oWS.Columns(1)
    oSel.TextToColumns DataType:=xlDelimited, Space:=True 'parse data

    ' sort columns assuming not more than 10 if more change iMax
    For iCol = 2 To iMax
        SortColumn oWS, iCol 'Sort column to remove blanks

    'copy data to column 1
    For iCol = 2 To iMax
        Set oSel = oWS.Cells(1, iCol)

        ' if more than one row select all
        If oSel.Offset(1, 0).Value <> "" Then
            Set oSel = Range(oSel, oSel.End(xlDown))
        End If


        ' Move to the last free cell on column 1
        oWS.Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select

    SortColumn oWS, 1 'Sort

End Sub

Sub SortColumn(poWS As Worksheet, piCol As Integer)
    Dim oSel As Range

    Set oSel = poWS.Columns(piCol)
    With poWS.Sort
        .SortFields.Add oSel
        .SetRange oSel
    End With

End Sub